Common Advertising MISTAKES

Written by jim Peters

One ofrepparttar mistakes most often made, is not looking at your product or service announcement fromrepparttar 132731 point of view of your customer. Stand back and look at what you are offering, how can you present that service or product in such a way that it will appeal to you. If you are offering a service, why should someone buy it from you, rather thanrepparttar 132732 other 1000 people offering that same service? Sometimes it's a little tough to be objective when looking at your own ad copy. I look at ad copy everyday and to be honest I'm really shocked at some ofrepparttar 132733 things that I see.

I'll save space here by not repeating all of them. Rather I will list a few ways to get your offer, be it newspaper,direct mail or e- mail, thrown inrepparttar 132734 trash immediately. There may be some things here you don't want to hear or believe, but take my word for itrepparttar 132735 things I'm listing can makerepparttar 132736 difference in success and failure.

I will talk only about your initial contact advertising, follow up contact takes a completely different tack. Listed here, not necessarily in their order of importance, but rather inrepparttar 132737 order in which they can get your message trashed are just a few of those Mistakes.

1. Not addressing your offer torepparttar 132738 recipient. (I know, you can't takerepparttar 132739 time to address all that mail)I would say at least 50% ofrepparttar 132740 people receiving e-mail not addressed specifically to them, will immediately hitrepparttar 132741 delete key. If your offer is so fantastic that you can loose 50% of your audience right out ofrepparttar 132742 gate, by all means send out mail with your self, both asrepparttar 132743 sender andrepparttar 132744 recipient. Or addressed to You getrepparttar 132745 idea. You will also find this tactic addressed inrepparttar 132746 anti spam legislation. ( Note: This does not apply when sending mail to an opt in list. )

2. Using a vulgar or unrealistic sender address, I'll leaverepparttar 132747 vulgar to your imagination. As far asrepparttar 132748 unrealistic, or again you getrepparttar 132749 idea. You will also find this tactic addressed inrepparttar 132750 anti spam legislation. Forrepparttar 132751 sake of ease (math was never my long suit) let's say this tactic looses you another 10%.

3. No Subject or a subject that causes an immediate delete. Now what could be a subject that could cause that? Well, how about. EARN A MILLION DOLLARS WITH JUST 1 TIME INVESTMENT OF $20. 00 or any variation of that theme. Again you getrepparttar 132752 idea. Now you may well be saying to yourself, but that's what my program offers. That's wonderful, but in order to get someone interested in that program, a different approach is needed. Something like:Income Opportunity 5 minutes of your time could berepparttar 132753 difference. or:Home business opportunity! Let's Talk. What can a grandiose subject line cost you, we'll say another 10%.

How to Set up Your Own Personal Website, without Spending Any Money

Written by Vijay Chidambaram

It has been my dream, right from childhood, to establish a great site, without spending any money. So I searchedrepparttar web, for free domain names, free web hosting and free websites. I would like to sharerepparttar 132728 results of my search with you.

I have searched all overrepparttar 132729 web for free hosting. I have set up free sites in all of them. From this experience, I can confidently say thatrepparttar 132730 two best free web hosting solutions are Tripod and Freewebsites

In Tripod, you get a free website, and and also an e-mail id You get free web Gems(addons) and a online WYSWYG editor and an online html editor.

Whereas, in FreeWebsites, you can get a free website with a number of domains like or or simply are only some ofrepparttar 132731 great domains available at freewebsites. You also get a free e-mail address like Any email sent to this email address is automatically forwarded to your main e-mail address.

Also, there is an option of Bannerless Advertising in Freewebsites.There is an option of Pop-up Advertising in Tripod. So both these web-hosting solutions are great, besides being free. So pick your favourite free web hoster and set up a site there.

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