Commit To Applying Lessons Learned

Written by Brian Maloney

When growing up as a child,repparttar concept of learning a lesson becomes so routine, that many of us just set it aside as unimportant like many other principles that otherwise should be heeded.

It is so true that all of us are mortal. Furthermore, all of us are fallible and no one is absolutely perfect. However, there are some people who would argue this about themselves or someone they know.

My contention isrepparttar 122817 people who perpetually make many crucial mistakes in their lives and continue to makerepparttar 122818 exact ones again, are not takingrepparttar 122819 necessary steps to correct themselves.

Simply put, carelessness, laziness, or mere insecurity in oneself arerepparttar 122820 primary reasons lessons due to mistakes are not applied.

Changing ones mindset and attitude towards self progression has significant importance in this area of growth.

Sure, there are many people out there who will almost always be making mistakes in perpetuity, but certainly that shouldn’t mean that you have to be one of them. Taking control of your life is an excellent first step.

Life does not have to be extremely complicated. It is a known fact that when people simplify their lives they are not only more happy, but more productive in any given task becauserepparttar 122821 mind has less to wonder about.

Listing or ranking things of importance in one’s mind assists in shaving downrepparttar 122822 myriad of less important things that always seem to hinder our lives. Moreover, examining mistakes much like a football player watching filmrepparttar 122823 Monday after a big game and then deciding a better approach will changerepparttar 122824 outcome to a positive rather than a negative.

So why is it so hard to apply a learned lesson?

Just learningrepparttar 122825 lesson is what many of us do, but that is merely halfrepparttar 122826 battle. The other aspect is actually setting your mind by consciously programming it to steer away from this mistake. It is like staring atrepparttar 122827 problem with a microscope and discovering reasons why you made this choice.


Written by Jonathan K Dall


The key to a successful life lies in following your passions. When you do thisrepparttar Universe responds in a dynamic way. This can only occur when one is fully engaged. We are taught fromrepparttar 122816 time we are young to be practical to carefully considerrepparttar 122817 why andrepparttar 122818 how of things. This, my friends is a waste of precious time. The clue to each of our destinies lies in recognizing our deepest passions and becoming fully engaged in them. Give no thought as to how they might be realizedrepparttar 122819 Universe is far more capable in this regard then we could ever hope to be. Just so you don’t think I’m talking through my hat I am going to give you a stellar example that illustrates exactly what I’m talking about. This story is true from beginning to end. I have some friends that have a home on an Island in Canada. They tried for thirty years to get me to go there and for thirty years I thwarted their efforts. After thirty years I just couldn’t deny their pleas any longer and I agreed to go. To say that I fell in Love withrepparttar 122820 place simply doesn’t describerepparttar 122821 depth of my passion. It was truly like coming HOME. When I left that Island two weeks later I knew that I must return. It was like a constant yearning in my soul. I returned againrepparttar 122822 following year and I knew in every fiber of my being that this wasrepparttar 122823 place I belonged. Onrepparttar 122824 last day of my stay I was leavingrepparttar 122825 beach when I ran into some folks I had become aquainted with. We talked about their beautiful Island and I told them then and there that I would be back to stay. The woman recognizedrepparttar 122826 absolute certainty (remember these two words absolute certainty) with which I made this statement. The following year I made a quick trip torepparttar 122827 Island inrepparttar 122828 spring andrepparttar 122829 transmission failed in my car. Under ordinary conditions this would have caused me a great deal of stress but I was certain that there was a reason far beyondrepparttar 122830 obvious for this otherwise troubling event. Throughrepparttar 122831 aid of friends I made it back safe and sound and they took care of getting my car repaired. I borrowed a car from my Brother that he was not using and went about my normal routine. To backtrack just a little about four years prior to this I placed a piece of property I owned up for sale. The property simply would not sell so I made a decision to take it offrepparttar 122832 market, which I promptly did. Two weeks later I received a call fromrepparttar 122833 realtor who said he had some folks who wantedrepparttar 122834 property. I told him if they wanted it that was

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