Comment on the Creation of a Logo Design for Design Café

Written by Maricon Williams

The purpose ofrepparttar in-house competition to create a logo design is forrepparttar 107397 Design Café to have a unique mark of identity. It should reflect a place for friendly, approachable and helpful discussion amongst graphic designers, publishers, illustrators, photographers and others who are inclined inrepparttar 107398 creation of visual communications. The logo that will be chosen will be printed on coffee mugs and embroidered on shirts.

When we make a business logo it should reflectrepparttar 107399 business itself. It should reflectrepparttar 107400 products and servicesrepparttar 107401 business is catering. It starts withrepparttar 107402 conceptualization process – where you think ofrepparttar 107403 right words, color and design. Your logo isrepparttar 107404 most important design in your business because it isrepparttar 107405 basis of all other materials.

In connection withrepparttar 107406 Design Café entries, all of them are made with striking concept. I prefer #11 and #12. Number 11 entry depicts elegance. It is simple yet regal. It sends out a message that this establishment is of superior class yet approachable. Number 12 entry is artistic, which you can gaugerepparttar 107407 word creativity. Fromrepparttar 107408 logo you can be acquainted thatrepparttar 107409 business is all about designing.

4 Computer Money-saving Tips

Written by Sharron Senter

Here are four tips that’ll save you money when buying your next computer.

Tip #1 -- Rebates: A rebate is not always a bargain. Computers with rebates are often close to being discontinued. You may pick up a good deal or purchase technology that's about to become yesterday’s news. What's more, stores will often package computers with a bunch of free items to make it look like you're getting more value. Chances arerepparttar extras are either poor quality or items you're unlikely to use. Also, they’re counting on you to not redeem your rebate, a very common occurrence. Tip #2 -- Extended Service Warrantees: Buyer Beware! They're a gamble, but not always a bad idea. If you're purchasing a laptop and you plan to travel a lot, an extended warranty that covers replacement ofrepparttar 107396 monitor/display can be a good gamble. Replacing a display can cost $400-$600, makingrepparttar 107397 warranty worthwhile. Onrepparttar 107398 other hand, if you plan on buyingrepparttar 107399 warranty for routine maintenance; save your money. Oftentimes it can take weeks forrepparttar 107400 store to send your PC out for service. Also, rememberrepparttar 107401 store where you purchased your computer does not always do warranty work duringrepparttar 107402 first year, instead you may have to ship it directly torepparttar 107403 manufacturer. In general, extended warranties cover electronics [things you can't see]. They don't usually cover physical damage. Most extended warranties have large gray areas, leavingrepparttar 107404 warranty provider a lot of room to reject claims.

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