Come as You Are

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Have you ever dreamed of being such a wonderful person and devoted servant of Christ that …

1.)your heart overflowed with love toward you fellow man?

2.)others could truly see Christ in you?

3.)it would be a joy being upon your presence?

4.)people would come to you seeking godly wisdom, their ears falling upon your every word.

5.)the moment you entered a roomrepparttar atmosphere would suddenly change?

6.)whenever your mouth opened,repparttar 126906 most humble words would flow?

7.)in your speech would come words of comfort, healing, and direction?

8.)you’d be able to knowrepparttar 126907 needs of both those near and acrossrepparttar 126908 way?

9.)you could actually hearrepparttar 126909 voice of God direct and help you in reaching out to others, as if He were doing it Himself?

10.) you could leave any situation and hear God saying, “Well done?”

Come Home

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Imagining a proud father holding a newborn inrepparttar palm of his hand, I envision love beaming from God's eyes as He says, "Awe, Perfect! How beautiful!" You were exactlyrepparttar 126905 creation intended. (God didn't make a mistake. He never does.)

Christians are royalty, joint heirs; children ofrepparttar 126906 KING! With access to everything God owns, we getrepparttar 126907 best seats inrepparttar 126908 house! Yet, knowing such is of little value until we access those privileges.

Some struggle to become acceptable, thinking God won't otherwise receive them. Others hold people back, trying to make them white. Acceptance was oursrepparttar 126909 moment we received God andrepparttar 126910 acceptable time is when He calls you. Don't tell God's children they can't serve. And, don't you tell God you can't. As long as we bow to such defeating thoughts, we remain separate from truth and rightful inheritance.

You know God is there. Sometimes you hear Him. But often, He seems so very far away. He isn't really. He's just patiently waiting for you to let go of your cross, get up, and walk. More than anything we could offer, God longs for a relationship with us. When we seek God more than life itself, He begins revealing Himself to us. There's such 'awe' in God's presence, as in each step we learn more about what He's really like. Try taking spiritual risks, you may never know what you're missing.

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