Colours Wheelchairs Announces European Expansion Plans

Written by Gene Emmer

Colours N’ Motion is a maverick inrepparttar wheelchair industry. In a market that generally concentrates on price and technology, Colours' focuses on esthetics and comfort. While most manufactures advertise a product, Colours communicates a lifestyle message. Colours’ is often controversial, using strikingly beautiful, disabled models in its ads to conveyrepparttar 103519 message that sensuality and esthetics need not limited by disability. A well known brand inrepparttar 103520 USA, Colours now announces its plans for development in Europe: Colours has selected Med Services Europe to develop and manage its European distribution network.

John Box, President of Colours in Motion said: “Colours designs and manufactures adult and pediatric wheelchairs as well as sport wheelchairs for an international market of disabled customers. With over 85% of our sales derived fromrepparttar 103521 US market and distributors in Japan, Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands, Colours is now seeking to further develop its market withinrepparttar 103522 European Union. We see our collaboration with Med Services Europe as an important step forward inrepparttar 103523 development of our international operations.”

Dr. Gene Emmer, President of Med Services Europe said: “Med Services Europe is proud to represent Colours in Europe. Colours is exactlyrepparttar 103524 type of company we seek as a partner. Their products are known inrepparttar 103525 industry as innovative. For example, at 14.5 pounds (6.6 kg)repparttar 103526 custom-designed Zephyr is one ofrepparttar 103527 lightest, if not THE lightest wheelchair onrepparttar 103528 market. The Boing! isrepparttar 103529 first wheelchair onrepparttar 103530 market with four-wheel independent suspension. But even more than technology,repparttar 103531 focus at Colours is on customer service and esthetics. Colours makes every effort to assure that its customers are delighted.”

Modern day slavery?!

Written by gerardo flores

In todays economy we are programed to believe that we have to find a good job, kiss up torepparttar "master", and retire in 40 years! The majority ofrepparttar 103518 population has a 9 to 5 job and hate it. They wake up, go to work, punch in, punch out, take a smoke break, and back to work. All this routine causes our subconcious to believe that holding tight to our job will keep us safe. As long as we stay onrepparttar 103519 "master's" good side, we'll be okay. We've been taught that if we don't work we don't eat. But what happens when work slows down? The "master" comes tellsrepparttar 103520 "slaves" to go home until business picks up. Slavery still exists these days. If an employee does not work hard enough, fast enough, or not dependable enough, he getsrepparttar 103521 "you're fired" whip. No matter how loyal one may be torepparttar 103522 "master", he will not hesitate to whip you onrepparttar 103523 back withrepparttar 103524 "you're laid off" stick.

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