College Debt – how to avoid it, and how to get out of it

Written by Vanessa McHooley

College Debt – how to avoid it, and how to get out of it

Because most college students are using loans to finance their college education,repparttar debt level of recent graduates is rising rapidly. On average, students graduate owing $12,000-$16,000 in student loans and another $2,000 in credit card debt. Is thisrepparttar 109218 price you have to pay for higher education, or can you avoid college debt inrepparttar 109219 first place?

The secret to avoiding college debt is to plan wisely and take advantage ofrepparttar 109220 many opportunities to reduce college costs before and during your college years.

Planning ahead You can avoid college debt by making wise high school decisions:

Take advanced placement classes Take allrepparttar 109221 advanced placement classes you can in high school--every AP exam you pass means one less class you need to take in college.

Keep your grades up Scholarships can be competitive, and evenrepparttar 109222 grades you make early in your high school years can meanrepparttar 109223 difference in winning or losing. Don't makerepparttar 109224 mistake of thinking you can saverepparttar 109225 hard work for your junior and senior years!

Stay involved Scholarships also may depend on community and school involvement.

Search for scholarships and grants Scholarships and grants arerepparttar 109226 best money source for college because it is money that doesn't have to be repaid. To find out about grants and scholarships, visit your high school career counselor andrepparttar 109227 Financial Aid Office of your intended college. You can also searchrepparttar 109228 internet for scholarships and grants.

Investigate public service options The United States Military, National Health Service Corps, and Americorps will give you money for your education in exchange for your signing up for a “tour of duty.” The time commitment ranges from 10-12 months to 8 years.

Living wisely The chances to make wise decisions and avoid debt continue into your college years.

Top Ten Helpful Hints to First Year Teachers

Written by Barbara Snyder M.A. Education

1. Become familiar withrepparttar school site and district office facilities and resources.

Your school site andrepparttar 109217 district office media center can be valuable resources to tap into. Most school site have storage areas or closets with shared grade level curriculum resources and materials. The administrator or a veteran teacher would berepparttar 109218 person to point you inrepparttar 109219 right direction. Depending onrepparttar 109220 size ofrepparttar 109221 school district, a district library or media center will have materials available for checkout. Many districts have a new teacher orientation day to provide information about materials, procedures, insurance coverage, staff development and other key topics.

2. Setrepparttar 109222 tone forrepparttar 109223 year with detailed planning forrepparttar 109224 first day and week.

Spend an extensive amount of time on planningrepparttar 109225 first day and week of school. Make an impression and establish a positive tone for how your classroom will run. Describe in detail how you want your classroom procedures (homework, materials, line up, emergency, school/classroom rules) to work. Make sure students understand what your expectations are and why things need to be done inrepparttar 109226 manner that you describe. Particularly withrepparttar 109227 upper grades, much ofrepparttar 109228 description and discussion can be done as a team-building exercise, seeking student input and comments. The primary students would also benefit from participation in setting up classroom expectations. Have a plan in mind before hand so that students can be focused to develop something that is workable and acceptable to you and has buy in fromrepparttar 109229 students.

3. Develop a detailed description for student behavior expectations

The most important area to emphasize to students is that you have high expectations for their behavior. There are many models to explore, but your own personal model should blend withrepparttar 109230 school rules for pupil behavior. It needs to be a system that is fair and manageable. Don’t put in consequences for poor behavior that can not be followed up with action. Talk to your colleagues or site administrator.

4. Talk to your colleagues.

The veteran teachers at your site can be one ofrepparttar 109231 most valuable contacts that a new teacher can make. They want to helprepparttar 109232 new teachers. If you have questions or problems with discipline, lesson planning, parent involvement, ask for advise or suggestions. Don’t reinventrepparttar 109233 wheel. Many site administrators have already selected teachers that serve as informal mentors to aidrepparttar 109234 first year teachers.

5. Userepparttar 109235 internet for lesson plan ideas.

Look atrepparttar 109236 many curriculum and lesson planning ideas that you can find by doing a search onrepparttar 109237 internet. Most classrooms now have access torepparttar 109238 web. Teachers can now do all their research inrepparttar 109239 comfort of their own classroom and can find more ideas and plans than there is time to deliver.

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