Cold Flu Treatment, Antibiotics, and Herbs

Written by Brian B. Carter, MS, LAc

Antibiotic overuse (especially forrepparttar common cold) has led to antibiotic resistance. Natural antibiotics and anti viral herbs that may boost immune system are discussed, plusrepparttar 114728 types of cold and flu, and cough and cold in a weak immune system.

Most people don't realize that western biomedical understanding didn't includerepparttar 114729 immune system until very recently. The first vaccine was developed inrepparttar 114730 late 1800's, and most ofrepparttar 114731 immune system was not understood untilrepparttar 114732 1960's. Oriental Medicine has been diagnosing and treating immune system diseases with herbs since as early as 150 A.D. whenrepparttar 114733 first systematic book on externally contracted illnesses,repparttar 114734 "Cold Damage Classic" was written.


Medical professionals are now concerned about antibiotic-resistant 'superbacteria.' These superbacteria have evolved because of inappropriate medical prescriptions. Antibiotics are effective only against bacteria, not against viruses. MD's and DO's often prescribed antibiotics to pacify patients who refused to leaverepparttar 114735 doctor's office without them - even whenrepparttar 114736 doctor knewrepparttar 114737 antibiotic would not help. The problem is that we are running out of antibiotic drugs; there is a finite number of them. It is thought that, inrepparttar 114738 future,repparttar 114739 more complex treatment agents such as natural herbs may be our only defense.

Chinese herbs have successfully treated and caused remission of viral hepatitis and AIDS. In clinical research studies on human beings, at least 15 herbs have been shown to stimulaterepparttar 114740 immune system and destroy viruses and bacteria (see next table). Chinese herbs appear to have an effect against bacteria and viruses directly, and they stimulate and strengthenrepparttar 114741 immune system (wei qi) in doing its job of riddingrepparttar 114742 body of pathogens.

15 Anti-Viral Chinese Herbs Proven Effective in Human Studies

1. Andrographis (Chuan xin lian): Viral hepatitis, encephalitis B, herpes zoster, viral influenza 2. Astragalus (Huang qi): Restores immune function in immune suppression from chemotherapy, increases IgA, IgG, and interferon production 3. Deer antler (Lu rong): Promotes lymphocyte transformation and treats leukopenia due to chronic benzene poisoning, promotes bone marrow function 4. Ganoderma (Ling zhi): Treats hepatitis, chronic bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, altitude sickness, cancer (especially leukemia) 5. Ginseng Ren shen: Increases resistance by stimulating adrenal gland via pituitary 6. Isatis (Da qing ye, Ban lan gen): Encephalitis B, measles, mumps, infectious hepatitis, URTI 7. Licorice (Gan cao): In pulmonary TB, it increased ESR - arthritis and hepatomegaly from hepatitis - acute and chronic hepatitis 8. Lonicera (Jin yin hua): Severe acute pneumonia, bacillary dysntery 9. Oldenlandia (Bai hua she she cao): Peritonitis, UTI, hepatitis, chronic bronchitis 10. Phellodendron (Huang bai): Meningitis, dysentery, GI infection, conjunctivitis, UTI, candidal/trichomonal vaginitis 11. Polygonum (He shou wu): Malaria Polygonum cuspidatum (Hu zhang): Lung infections, tonsillitis, hepatitis, RA, osteoarthritis 12. Salvia (Dan shen): Hepatitis, SLE 13. Siberian ginseng (Wu jia pi): Xue and qi xu - improves leukocyte count in 70% of leukopenic patients - caution when there is heat 14. Sophora (Shan dou gen): Alkaloids effective in countering leukopenia due to radiation 15. Viola (Zi hua di ding): TB

Herbs for Addiction Withdrawal

Written by Brian B. Carter, MS, LAc

Help! I'm Addicted torepparttar Painkillers I Bought Online!

Q: Hi. I am definitely addicted to tramadol (Ultram). I have tried to stoprepparttar 114727 drug several times, butrepparttar 114728 withdrawal symptoms are so unbearable (depression; diarrhea; lethargy; sweats; aching body much more worse than ever before takingrepparttar 114729 drug, especially upon wakng up inrepparttar 114730 morning; irritability; increase in tremor), that I get through a day or two and then I know that just "one" will takerepparttar 114731 withdrawal symptoms away, so back onrepparttar 114732 drug again!!! I know I am addicted (been buyingrepparttar 114733 drug overrepparttar 114734 net from Thailand). I started takingrepparttar 114735 drug for aches and pains because it was "non-narcotic" and "non-habit forming - yeah right!!!!! (I have no medical insurance at this time). Well, for me, it also produces a "euphoric" type of feeling, like I can get more accomplished when I take it. However, I had no problem getting things done before I ever tookrepparttar 114736 drug!!! I noticed you have "Ultram" listed underrepparttar 114737 "Treatment" heading (first paragraph), and so now I know I am not abnormal (I guess this must be addictive for many people!!!). At any rate, I really do want to quit taking this drug. I also have essential tremor (familial - mother had it) and am taking diazepam forrepparttar 114738 tremor (about 10 mg/day, no more than 20 mg/day, and that's only if I am going to be in a very uncomfortable social situation). I can even go withoutrepparttar 114739 diazepam. When I have tried to stop usingrepparttar 114740 tramadol (Ultram), my head tremor gets worse. If I could, I would just hide at home for a week or so and detox; I would have no problem doing that, but I have to function for work, day-to-day LIFE, etcetera (no vacation time, and Monday comes around pretty quickly, hence me only getting through two days of trying to detox). Please............Do you have any suggestions on herbs, etcetera to help ease withdrawal from tramadol?.......just so I can function somewhat duringrepparttar 114741 detox/withdrawal period. Also, do you have any experience with other cases of withdrawal from this drug, and if long dorepparttar 114742 extreme symptoms last? Thank you so much for your time. T.S.

A: Right on, T.S.. It's great that you can admit you have a problem with it.

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