Clutter-Clearing and Your Authentic Self

Written by Stephanie Roberts

Have you ever felt so discouraged, your life so out-of-control,repparttar universe so unresponsive to your needs and desires, that you couldn’t help it: you just had to clean up? By paying attention to these impulses we recognizerepparttar 130999 deep connection between our personal environment and our innermost selves. It’s as though by shiftingrepparttar 131000 arrangement of our belongings we hope to rearrangerepparttar 131001 molecules of our emotional lives as well.

Feng shui teaches us that our spaces both reflect and affect our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. When our homes become cluttered and disordered, other aspects of our lives tend to feel gridlocked as well. It’s a chicken-and-egg kind of situation. Not only does a cluttered home reflect a distracted and cluttered mind, it also makes it hard to focus and think clearly. It gets easier and easier to stop makingrepparttar 131002 item-by-item decisions that could put you back in control ofrepparttar 131003 mess and help you to feel more in control of your life.

Eventually, we give up. The task seems overwhelming, andrepparttar 131004 clutter is so pervasive that we can’t figure out where to begin. We slog through our days thinking “someday when I haverepparttar 131005 time I’ve got to clean this up.” Clutter clearing becomes an abstract goal that awaits a mythical future time when our calendars will be free of obligations, we will awaken one weekend morning well-rested and energized, and mysteriously through some unseen grace we will have acquiredrepparttar 131006 focused clarity and enthusiasm that will finally inspire us to dive in and get it done. We wait forrepparttar 131007 moment to be right before we begin, so beginning never happens.

We’re approachingrepparttar 131008 clutter challenge backwards when we think this way. Regaining a sense of clarity and order is more easily achieved by putting our space in order than by trying to order and control our thoughts in a disorganized space.

Clutter saps your energy and erodes your spirit. Clutter makes it difficult to get things done, enjoy peace and quiet, or spend timerepparttar 131009 way you really want to. It adds to your stress, slows you down and drains your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength. Clutter is disempowering.

Achieve All Your Goals

Written by Alan Tutt

Achieve All Your Goals by Alan Tutt

What do you want out of life? Most ofrepparttar people I talk to want to make life easier. They don't really care about dominatingrepparttar 130996 world, or even reachingrepparttar 130997 pinnacles of success. They want to work a little less, make a little more money, have their relationships be a little more satisfying. There is nothing wrong with this idea. Life is usually a series of growth steps. Moving from one level torepparttar 130998 next level slightly further ahead thanrepparttar 130999 last. Evolution on a personal level.

But why stop there? What if you could have all your dreams fulfilled? What if you could say some magic word and have all your troubles go away? While notrepparttar 131000 majority, there is definitely a large population who would like this scenario. Instant gratification. I want it all. Give me, give me, gimme. Sound familiar? I'm sure you've heard this tune from at least one person inrepparttar 131001 last month.

What'srepparttar 131002 difference between these two mindsets? One point of view only wantsrepparttar 131003 next step inrepparttar 131004 pathway of evolution. The other wants everything now. I think thatrepparttar 131005 main difference between these two mindsets is one of belief. One person believes that they can have it all, andrepparttar 131006 other believes that getting a little bit more is all they can have or all they should have.

Of course,repparttar 131007 person who believes that it is wrong to want everything will disagree with me. This person will say thatrepparttar 131008 difference is one of values and morals. Anyone who studies history and cultures will realize at some point that values and morals depend greatly onrepparttar 131009 society in which one lives. In some cultures, it is considered a great honor to takerepparttar 131010 head of an enemy and eat his body. In other cultures, women are consideredrepparttar 131011 superior sex. In still other cultures, education is considered a waste of time. These 'values' are at odds with what is generally accepted in America as being 'right', orrepparttar 131012 normal course of life.

Today,repparttar 131013 many cultures ofrepparttar 131014 world are becoming much closer to each other, much easier to make contact with. We can no longer remain ignorant of other cultures and their value systems. Gradually, we are starting to acceptrepparttar 131015 differences between ourselves and other people. Being intellectually sophisticated, we are beginning to realize that values are indeed relative, and may be exchanged with other values whenrepparttar 131016 time and situation is right.

Whether you believe that you deserve to have everything you want in life, or if it is 'better' to make progress a step at a time doesn't matter. You can live your life any way you want to live it. One thing that we all have in common is that we want our lives to improve. And we will use techniques that seem logical and feel natural to us. If it seems logical to take additional classes to get ahead in our job, and it is not too difficult to take those classes, most of us will take that step. If it seems logical to change certain habits in order to make progress in an area of life we care about, and there is a process of changing those habits that does not require us to do anything unpleasant, we will usually takerepparttar 131017 steps to makerepparttar 131018 required changes.

What goals are you wanting to attain? What steps seem logical to you to reach those goals? Does it seem logical to you to increaserepparttar 131019 effectiveness of your mind? Would improving your perceptive abilities, your creativity, your memory, and your intellect move you closer to your goals? Experts have agreed for many years that we are living in an age where information isrepparttar 131020 most valuable commodity we can possess. Some experts are now saying that our 'information age' is quickly becoming a 'communication age'. Information is so commonly available now, so much so that we are drowning in a sea of it, that what we need most is not raw information but rather refined information communicated well.

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