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------------ Walk, or Run, to Achieve Weight Loss
----- Walk, or Run, to Achieve Weight Loss
Walk, or Run, to Achieve Weight Loss
---------------------------------------- Walk or run, going extra mile -- literally -- in hopes of greater weight loss may be something of an exercise in futility. A new study suggests that typical American dieter can lose as much weight with moderate workouts as with more intense bouts.
This research shows that along with dieting, when overweight women started a new exercise routine after years of being inactive, it didn't really matter whether they came out of gate running or walking briskly. After a year, there was only a total weight-loss difference of 1 1/2 pounds between them.
"It appears that intensity is not main factor impacting long-term weight loss," says researcher John M. Jakicic, PhD, director of Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center at University of Pittsburgh.
Exercise As Little as 10 Minutes
--------------------------------------------------- It's consistency -- doing some exercise on a regular basis, "even accumulated in bouts of as little as 10 minutes at a time," he tells WebMD.
Jakicic reports that women who started to exercise 200 minutes a week at vigorous levels -- such as running or another activity to leave them panting and sweaty -- shed an average of 19 1/2 pounds after a year, compared with 18 pounds lost by those spending same time in more moderate workouts such as walking. Women who exercised 150 minutes a week lost about 15 1/2 pounds with vigorous workouts and 14 pounds at a moderate pace.
Men weren't studied, but Jakicic says there's no reason to believe results would differ in them.
The take-home message: Whatever pace you exercise, do it regularly. "It's best if individuals develop a pattern of exercise that's performed on a daily basis," he tells WebMD.
The Right Exercise
------------------------------------------------- His findings, published in this week's Journal of American Medical Association, reinforce often-prescribed recommendations for better health from getting at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week, even if it's at a moderate level. That's important because most dieters give up on exercise programs after a few months, often because they find them too difficult. But by engaging in less strenuous activities such as walking at least a 20-minute-per-mile pace, they may be more likely to continue.