Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #3

Written by Tami Close

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #3

Whew! So how did you do on that last lesson? Have you been practicing? There was a lot of content to take in and absorb, and practicingrepparttar techniques as well. I wanted to make sure I included it all so you could see it from start to finish.

Now, this is via e-mail, and my sessions overrepparttar 138466 phone and face-to-face, are longer. I’ve seen such amazing results with Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques and it’s only over a short period of time. Everyone feels a substantial release only after one session.

We’re moving into a new reality with energy therapy. Take care ofrepparttar 138467 problem in quick, easy steps. It’s very different than standard talk therapy, which some people have used for several years to overcome a problem. I was here as well. I had been to see different therapists off and on, but never releasedrepparttar 138468 problem until I saw an energy practitioner. I understoodrepparttar 138469 part my childhood played in my life; I just didn’t know how to releaserepparttar 138470 pain. Once I did, I felt pure euphoria (I love that word) and became a totally different person. It’s a very freeing experience!

So how long is a session? Sessions are one and half hoursrepparttar 138471 first session to gain information onrepparttar 138472 client and one hour in subsequent sessions. Some people can actually release their pain in three sessions…..a woman who suffered from sexual abuse from her father did just that. Incredible, isn’t it?

Oncerepparttar 138473 pain is released, thenrepparttar 138474 client is able to make new, healthy choices and liverepparttar 138475 life he or she is destined to have.

Eat what you like and still lose weight

Written by Adrian bryant

An easy weight loss plan

by Adrian Bryant of

Did you say there’s a way I can eat what I like and still lose weight? Is that even possible? Is there really a way I can lose weight without counting calories, carbs, fats, and without doing allrepparttar other stuff that these diet experts tell me?

Yes there is. First of all, to put it bluntly, diets just don’t work at all for long-term weight loss. The main reason why diets don’t work is because they take you out of your comfort zone. Diets say things like “Okay put downrepparttar 138424 cheeseburgers & fries and start eating rice cakes all day.”

Nowrepparttar 138425 all new popular Rice cake diet by “Dr. Whoever” may work just great while you’re on it but how long can you just eat just rice cakes. Basically,repparttar 138426 amount of weight you lose on a diet is equal torepparttar 138427 amount of time you’re willing to put up withrepparttar 138428 diet’s silly restrictions.

The worst part about being on a diet isrepparttar 138429 period right after you finishrepparttar 138430 diet. Most people tend to gain all their weight back and more after a diet because they go back to eating even more ofrepparttar 138431 regular foods they liked inrepparttar 138432 first place.

Being on a strict diet for any period of time only increases your cravings forrepparttar 138433 food you loved inrepparttar 138434 first place. It increasing your cravings to a point where you overeat so much that you gain weight.

To eatrepparttar 138435 foods you like and still lose weight you simply have to increase your metabolism. Your metabolism is your body’s fireplace. This fireplace will burn all that ugly body fat off you if operate it correctly. Here are some (6) simple ways to increase your metabolism:

1. Eat More! That’s right. Instead of eating 1-3 big meals a day try eating 5-7 smaller meals a day. Remember your body’s metabolism is like a fireplace. Think about this way: when you eat 1-3 big meals you are basically putting a real big log on your fireplace and anytime you put too much on a fire it goes out.

When you feed yourself small meals spaced about 2-3 hours apart duringrepparttar 138436 day you are putting small pieces of wood on your fat-burning fireplace. These small meals keep your fireplace burning throughoutrepparttar 138437 day.

What happens when you don’t put any wood on a fireplace? It goes out right? The same thing happens when you eat less than 3 meals a day. Waiting 4-6 hours between meals is too long, to keep your fireplace going remember to eat SMALL meals every 2-3 hours.

Just eat enough in each meal to satisfy you and not so much that you fell full.

2. Build Muscle Did you know… * That just 1lb of muscle burns off a pound of fat every 70 days! * 3lbs of muscle will burn off a pond of fat every 23 days * 5lbs of muscle will burn a pound of fat every 2 weeks.

Building muscle doesn’t mean you have to start Bench pressing, squatting, or buying fancy equipment. To build muscle you can do simple bodyweight exercises like pushups, crunches, and bodyweight squats.

Walking up steep hills at a moderate to fast pace will build muscle in your legs. All it takes is 10-20min a day 2-3 times a week with weights or your own bodyweight. Don’t worry about whatrepparttar 138438 scale says when you put a few pounds of muscle.

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