Close Deals in Record Time!Written by Cavyl Stewart
Remember back when ability to create a slide show presentation using PowerPoint was cutting-edge technology? PowerPoint presentations changed way that companies and seminars did business. It was easy to take along your presentation material; just grab your laptop and go. Sound and visual effects, fancy screen designs, bulleted features – presentations had it all. Everybody had a PowerPoint presentation. Those who didn’t use this type of presentation material really felt pressure to conform. Plus it wasn’t difficult to see how bored their audiences were becoming with nothing visual to hold their attention. When technology bubble burst a few years back, and after-effects of 911 dealt a serious blow to economy, business travel budgets became practically non-existent. At same time, globalization was becoming new buzzword. To stay in business and be better able to conduct business globally, more and more companies developed websites. Other advances in technology helped reign in and at same time expand global marketplace. Today, slide show presentations still are valuable sales and marketing tools used by all types of large, small and even home-based businesses. They’re also a favorite of anyone giving a seminar. In an effort to keep up with today’s fast pace of business and its global nature, many marketing departments are realizing benefits of emailing their slide show presentations. That’s right. Presentations that used to be viewed primarily in a room full of marginally-interested decision makers can now be directly posted on a website or delivered via email instantaneously to right person. Viewing PowerPoint presentations sent via email is as easy as reading your email. But it’s even better because you get sound and animation, too. Using a powerful conversion program called PowerConverter, you can quickly convert your PowerPoint 2000, XP or 2003 slides to browser-friendly Flash. Simply install this software, push a button and save presentation as a .SWF or a .EXE file.
| | Show The World Your Wares Easily And InexpensivelyWritten by Cavyl Stewart
You’ve spent a lot of time preparing your PowerPoint presentations and now you’re ready to show world all your company has to offer. You set up some appointments for sales presentations with a few members of local Chamber of Commerce. On appointed day, you lug your laptop and your presentation to your prospective client’s office and start your show. They’re impressed with what they see and you get job. And that’s way things are supposed to work. But what happens when you’re ready to start finding clients outside a 30-mile radius? For one thing, your costs for getting new work will soar. Not only will your travel expenses increase, but time spent traveling will keep you from working on other tasks that need to get done. It’s hard when you’re trying to grow your business solo and you’re one wearing all hats. You can multi-task to a certain extent, but still, when you work alone, there’s just so much you can accomplish in one day. Sure you can hire help, but that means adding payroll and other employee management tasks to your already overburdened schedule. What if there was a way you could show your PowerPoint presentations to anyone in world, at any time of day, without going broke? Do you think you could nail new business? Is this thing that you’ve been wishing for night after night, while you lay there wide awake trying desperately to fall asleep? Well for one low annual fee, which works out to be about $50 per month, you can show your PowerPoint presentations as many times as you want, to anyone, anywhere in world. No, you’re not dreaming! The technology exists right now. When you want someone to view your PowerPoint presentation, you send that person an invitation by email. The invitation provides a link and an access code. Your guest simply clicks on link, enters code, then sits back and enjoys show!