Clearing a Path for Happiness

Written by Esther Smith

Inrepparttar United States,repparttar 116617 pursuit of happiness is a god-given right and Americans have a document to prove it. But I wonder whyrepparttar 116618 Founding Fathers deliberately phrased it, ‘the pursuit of happiness’, as if to say --- happiness in itself cannot be granted because it was, and still remains, tied to materialism. Inrepparttar 116619 “pursuit” of happiness, it is each person’s own definition: riches, health, religion, etc.

Take, as an example,repparttar 116620 pessimist and optimist. If anything bad happens,repparttar 116621 pessimist believes it will not last long but will surely undermine his life. He feelsrepparttar 116622 deck is stacked against him, yet being more realistic thanrepparttar 116623 optimist, he prepares himself for misfortune.

The optimist regards it as a temporary setback and goes about removingrepparttar 116624 obstacle. He risks more but these efforts give meaning to his life and he makesrepparttar 116625 best of it. To acquire is to be happy (sorepparttar 116626 culture teaches) therefore blessed are they for among them are corporate executives in their mansions.

There is enough onrepparttar 116627 subject of happiness to fill an ebook, but let’s measure just one facet:repparttar 116628 Internet. How much would it take to make you a happy Interneter? Has your ‘big break’ eluded you thus far? What kind of Internet success would give you a sense of control over your life – because when you think about it, “control over your life” is a huge slice of happiness.

To generate an income onrepparttar 116629 Internet, it must come throughrepparttar 116630 development of integrity, character, and efforts on behalf of a cause greater than oneself. By doingrepparttar 116631 job with honesty, helpfulness, and concern for others, we may have to take some time from our busy schedule to ‘coach’ a struggling newbie. This mindset offers an easier path to your own success.

The Truth About Making Money On The Internet

Written by je Dunn

Every body who decides to start an on-line business can seerepparttar tremendous potential thatrepparttar 116616 internet has to offer. Where else can a small business reachrepparttar 116617 incredible amounts of people that can be reached onrepparttar 116618 Internet?

Where else can you start a business for such a small investment? Where else can make money even if you do not have a product or service of your own as you can onrepparttar 116619 Internet through promoting affiliate programs?

You can buy resale rights to a product that some one else created and sell it over and over and keep 100% ofrepparttar 116620 profits. These types of money making opportunities have never been available before in history torepparttar 116621 average person working out of their home.

It would seem that it is impossible NOT to make money, right? I'll answer that question by saying, if something sounds too good to be true it probably is. You seerepparttar 116622 reason that so many would be entrepreneurs never make money with their on-line businesses is because they are being sold an unrealistic expectation of success.

You will begin to make money on-line when you realize that you are not going to find any magic solution hidden inrepparttar 116623 virtual pages of some ebook.

Yes you need to learn fromrepparttar 116624 best information that you can find butrepparttar 116625 key to your success will be solely based on your ability to mold what you have learned into your own unique product andrepparttar 116626 conviction in what you are doing to refuse to quit if buyers are scarce at first.

No matter how greatrepparttar 116627 potential ofrepparttar 116628 Internet is, unless you are willing to work and work hard inrepparttar 116629 beginning with very little to show for it, unless you count frustration as a perk you will never seerepparttar 116630 returns thatrepparttar 116631 sales pages seduce you with.

Telling people that it is going to take work, and time, and perseverance, to make a lot of money onrepparttar 116632 Internet is notrepparttar 116633 way to sell a lot of pie inrepparttar 116634 sky ebooks, but I wouldn't want to make money by selling people false dreams.

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