Clear and Appropriate Assignments

Written by Sandy Gauvin

As a teacher of students with learning disabilities, I found that one ofrepparttar most difficult things for many of my students was understanding and completing homework assignments.

Here are 10 tips to help students be successful in completing their homework for you:

1) Make sure your students and their parents understandrepparttar 109327 homework policy. 2) Assign work thatrepparttar 109328 students can do. If your student has a learning disability in written language, chances are you won't getrepparttar 109329 10-page written report you assigned. Perhaps he could taperepparttar 109330 information or present it in a different way, such as throughrepparttar 109331 use of pictures or a skit.

3) Make surerepparttar 109332 student understandsrepparttar 109333 assignment and has written it down correctly. That may mean you'll have to spend a little extra time withrepparttar 109334 student to show him examples of what you want and to answer any questions he might have. Often, this involves an element of trust, especially asrepparttar 109335 child gets older. He needs to be able to go to you and know that he will get help, not rejection.

4) Don't overloadrepparttar 109336 student with homework. Remember, it takes these students longer to completerepparttar 109337 assignment inrepparttar 109338 first place. So, it might be a good idea to cutrepparttar 109339 number of multiplication problems you assign him in half. Or, perhaps you would reducerepparttar 109340 amount of reading you want him to do in his reading book forrepparttar 109341 night.

5) Relate new learning and homework with real life. Ifrepparttar 109342 child understands how she can use this information in her life, it means more to her and she will learn it much more easily.

Understanding The Report

Written by Sandy Gauvin

"No thank you. Don't bother to send merepparttar report aboutrepparttar 109326 testing results. I won't understand it anyway. I'll just listen atrepparttar 109327 meeting."

Those wererepparttar 109328 words of more than one parent I spoke with whose children had been tested to see if they needed special education services. I could always hearrepparttar 109329 discouragement in their voices as they spoke.

I heardrepparttar 109330 same tone of voice in a person a little closer to home just recently. A relative of mine has a son who has just been evaluated, andrepparttar 109331 parents had been given a copy ofrepparttar 109332 report. He and his wife both have college educations, and they still had difficulty understanding what was being said. He looked totally helpless as he showed merepparttar 109333 paperwork.

It's important to realize that every occupation in life has it's own terms, and special education is no different. Unless you work in that occupation on a daily basis, you can't be expected to know what those terms mean - not much consolation when it's your child's education and success that are at stake.

The good news is that there is help out there.

Here are some suggestions for how you can become an informed, active participant inrepparttar 109334 meeting:

1) Contactrepparttar 109335 special education office in your school district. Either someone there can explain it to you, or they can tell you who to talk with to help you understandrepparttar 109336 report.

2) Set up an appointment to speak withrepparttar 109337 special education person in your child's school.

If you can't getrepparttar 109338 information you want throughrepparttar 109339 special education office for some reason, call and decide on a mutually convenient time when you can meet withrepparttar 109340 special education teacher and discussrepparttar 109341 results. Perhaps you can even discuss whatrepparttar 109342 recommendations might be regardingrepparttar 109343 best placement andrepparttar 109344 best program for your child.

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