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The Ley Lines of a Semi-Retired Drainage System

Written by Holmes Charnley

There seems to be at times, a fine line between enthusiasm and frenzied delight, and with Miranda Krestovnikoff, who presents BBC 2’s Hidden Treasure, that line is all too frequently blurred.

Still, perhaps I’m being a little too hard onrepparttar poor girl. After all, it’s her enthusiasm that caused me to go outrepparttar 118204 other day and buy a metal detector. I’d like to think that I’mrepparttar 118205 only one to have done this, at least in my town, but regrettably, I suspect I’m inrepparttar 118206 majority…

After all, I went into one ofrepparttar 118207 local shops onrepparttar 118208 day of purchase, asking if they did indeed sell metal detectors, and this young man serving behindrepparttar 118209 counter immediately asked if I’d been watching BBC 2 recently. I didn’t know how to take this. Now obviously, he’d sussed me but … well, was that good manners on his part, or just cheeky perception?

I mean, had I gone into my local branch of M & S and been caught perusingrepparttar 118210 boxer shorts, I think I’d have taken umbrage, had a shop assistant inquired if I’d recently had a case ofrepparttar 118211 runs. I digress. Suffice to say, I felt uncomfortable, embarrassed, found out, with my BBC 2 viewing detected so instantly.

Anyway, my fiancée and I finally located one of these machines in one ofrepparttar 118212 nearby catalogue stores…which meant that once we had got it home, we needed to drive off out to one ofrepparttar 118213 nearby catalogue stores to buy some batteries, amidst much muttering.

Still, once this thing was up and running,repparttar 118214 fun we had aroundrepparttar 118215 house was fantastic. The brass fireplace was indeed metal, so was a 2p casually dropped onrepparttar 118216 carpet, then hunted down, with much squealing from both man and machine.

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