Cilantro For Your Health

Written by Judi Singleton

Cilantro - pronounced [sih-LAHN-troh] The leaves and stems of Coriander plant are called Cilantro. Widely used in Mexican, Caribbean and Asian cooking Cilantro has a strong pungent taste. People usually just loverepparttar taste or hate it because it is that distinctive flavor. Coriander is believed to be named after "koris",repparttar 146433 Greek word for "bedbug" as it was said they both emitted a similar odor. People of European decent frequently are repelled byrepparttar 146434 smell of cilantro. It has not gained in popularity in Europe as it has in many other parts ofrepparttar 146435 world.

Coriander grows wild in South East Europe and had been cultivated in Egypt, India and China for thousands of years. It is mentioned in Sanskrit text Cilantro is mentioned inrepparttar 146436 Medical Papyrus of Thebes written in 1552 B.C. and is one ofrepparttar 146437 plants which grew inrepparttar 146438 Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It is even mentioned inrepparttar 146439 Bible in Exodus 16:31, where manna is described as "small round and white like coriander seed." The ancient Hebrews originally used cilantro root asrepparttar 146440 bitter herb inrepparttar 146441 symbolic Passover meal.The Romans themselves used coriander with cumin and vinegar as a preservative. Romans and their conquests, introduced cilantro's use and legend spread to Asia, where it appeared in recipes for potions used as aphrodisiacs in China duringrepparttar 146442 Han dynasty (207 BC-200 AD).Spanish conquistadors introduced it to Mexico and Peru, It is used in recipes throughout Mexico and Central America. Sugarplums as referred to inrepparttar 146443 Dance ofrepparttar 146444 Sugarplum Fairy, were actually a treat made of sugar coated coriander. The Chinese usedrepparttar 146445 herb in love potions believing it provided immortality. Coriander is one ofrepparttar 146446 herbs thought to have aphrodisiac qualities. The Arabian nights tells a tale of a merchant who had been childless for 40 years and but was cured by a concoction that included coriander. Cilantro was also know to be used as an "appetite" stimulant. The essential oils ofrepparttar 146447 cilantro leaves contain antibacterial properties and can be used as a fungicide. Coriander seeds is considered to have cholesterol lowering properties. Todayrepparttar 146448 herb has important medical uses. Chelation therapy has been used by conventional medicine to pull lead from people suffering from lead poisoning. Chelation therapy is administered intravenously usingrepparttar 146449 chemical agent EDTA it removes metal fromrepparttar 146450 blood stream. Dr Omura found that fresh cilantro removes heavy metals fromrepparttar 146451 body in less than two weeks. Cilantro, is a fast growing annual reaching 12 - 24 inches tall. The entire plant includingrepparttar 146452 leaves,repparttar 146453 seeds and roots are all edible. Coriander can easily be grown in pots. Simply pick or trim fresh leaves of whole stalks as required. The leaves get a stronger and sometimes disagreeable flavor as they get older and larger. Some great recipes using Cilantro are: From Mexico and Southwestern USA Anaheim Chile Salsa Verde

This recipe originally accompanied Grill-Roasted Brined Turkey with Anaheim Chile Salsa Verde. This beautiful, mild-flavored green salsa may be served heated or at room temperature. Forrepparttar 146454 brightest green color possible, addrepparttar 146455 cilantro just before serving.

History of Nescafe Coffee

Written by Randy Wilson

If necessity isrepparttar mother of invention then profit may berepparttar 146361 mother necessity. Asrepparttar 146362 Great Depression grippedrepparttar 146363 United States inrepparttar 146364 1930’s and coffee sales plummeted there was a definite need forrepparttar 146365 coffee growers to find new ways to sell their product. Nescafe came torepparttar 146366 rescue.

In 1867 Henri Nestle, a German chemist living in Switzerland, had invented a baby formula for women who couldn’t nurse. By 1900 he had set up production facilities in several countries, includingrepparttar 146367 United States, where he also made condensed milk. Overrepparttar 146368 next thirty yearsrepparttar 146369 company expanded their products to include powered chocolate milk mix and other confectionary products.

In 1930repparttar 146370 Brazilian government approached Nestle to create a new instant coffee that would giverepparttar 146371 consumer another option and atrepparttar 146372 same time increaserepparttar 146373 dwindling coffee exports of Brazil. It took eight years but in 1938 Nestle introduced Nescafe.

Instant coffee was not a new idea; it was originally invented by a Japanese chemist named Satori Kato in 1901 and had been marketed and sold by various companies with disappointing results. Nescafe revolutionizedrepparttar 146374 way instant coffee was made.

Early methods of making instant coffee involved brewing a batch of high-strength, concentrated coffee and then boiling it dry in stainless steel drums;repparttar 146375 residue left behind was instant coffee. The heat involved inrepparttar 146376 boiling process destroyed most ofrepparttar 146377 aromatic and flavorful properties ofrepparttar 146378 coffee. When reconstituted in waterrepparttar 146379 result was a pungent, bitter decoction that little resembled coffee.

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