Chronology of the Book Of Revelation

Written by Dene McGriff

The Book of Revelation appears to be a daunting book because it is full of imagery and seems to bounce all over time, but like an old friend, once you get to know it, it really isn’t that bad. Followrepparttar parallels. Followrepparttar 145690 themes. Previously, we put to restrepparttar 145691 issue ofrepparttar 145692 rapture. It is important to understandrepparttar 145693 order of events – what occurs and when. Revelation is not that hard to understand if you grasprepparttar 145694 main theme –repparttar 145695 testimony of Jesus Christ which is seen in his two peoples,repparttar 145696 two witnesses: Israel andrepparttar 145697 church. Timing is important and this reinforcesrepparttar 145698 timing ofrepparttar 145699 rapture.


Chapter 1 The first chapter gives us a picture ofrepparttar 145700 transformed, resurrected Son of Man walking amongrepparttar 145701 churches. Here we seerepparttar 145702 revelation and testimony of Jesus Christ.

Chapters 2,3 The letters are to seven very different churches – both actual churches and historical prophetic churches onrepparttar 145703 earth with exhortations to each to hear whatrepparttar 145704 Spirit says and to overcome.

Chapter 4 This gives us a picture ofrepparttar 145705 heavens andrepparttar 145706 throne of God.

Chapter 5 It revealsrepparttar 145707 Lamb of God,repparttar 145708 only one worthy to openrepparttar 145709 seven seals or scrolls. The scrolls reveal what is to happen in this revelation of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 6 The beginning of sorrows andrepparttar 145710 six seals deal with events which occur duringrepparttar 145711 first half ofrepparttar 145712 Tribulation.

Chapter 7 This shows us Israel andrepparttar 145713 Church beforerepparttar 145714 throne. “These arerepparttar 145715 ones who come out ofrepparttar 145716 great tribulation.” (7:14) The seal protects them fromrepparttar 145717 wrath of God even though they suffered and died. Israel isrepparttar 145718 first group of 144,000 (not an actual number but signifyingrepparttar 145719 whole)

Chapters 8,9 The seven trumpets come out ofrepparttar 145720 seventh seal.

Chapter 10 John eatsrepparttar 145721 little book.

Chapter 11 This isrepparttar 145722 story ofrepparttar 145723 two witnesses fromrepparttar 145724 beginning ofrepparttar 145725 Tribulation torepparttar 145726 end whenrepparttar 145727 final trumpet sounds,repparttar 145728 Lord returns andrepparttar 145729 two witnesses are brought to life and caught up withrepparttar 145730 Lord.

Chapter 12 This is an expansion of what happens duringrepparttar 145731 third and fourth trumpets as Satan and his minions are cast to earth.

Terror; The Lost War.

Written by Rev.Anthony Smith

Terror; The Lost War. {Terror; Intense, overpowering fear.An emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight).A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused byrepparttar presence or imminence of danger. A state or condition marked by this feeling: living in fear. A feeling of disquiet or apprehension: a fear of looking foolish. Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power. A reason for dread or apprehension} Asrepparttar 145543 Iraq war turns into another Vietnam and Iran remains a nation of anti-Christian, anti-Israely people. I wonder whyrepparttar 145544 Government still insists thatrepparttar 145545 middle east will turn into a democratic stronghold. Democracy andrepparttar 145546 middle east will never take place. Evenrepparttar 145547 election in Iran was an exercise in futility. No matter who is elected,repparttar 145548 Clerics still runrepparttar 145549 country. Why cant people see that Gods prophecy's, will and are, taking place. Luke 21:20 tells us, “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know thatrepparttar 145550 desolation thereof is nigh.” Doesnt Luke 21:20 revielerepparttar 145551 truth ofrepparttar 145552 world as we see it today. There are many inrepparttar 145553 Middle East that are preaching peace between them and Israel, but this is because they are afraid of Israel. Whenrepparttar 145554 time is right they will strike. Africa is starving to death, The Dead Sea is drying up, Israel is under attack, Earth Quakes are increasing in number, Marriage is being destroyed andrepparttar 145555 values of many, that were strong just 20 years ago, are slowly slipping away inrepparttar 145556 name of compromise and unity. Man has polluted and almost used up all natural resources. Familys are afraid to walk downrepparttar 145557 streets at night, Mothers and Dads are afraid to send their children to school. This my frends is all terror. Terror is right down town, all around. The war on terror cannot be won. Many are deceived that this world will last forever. That things can be changed if we have one world, Religion, Government and Bank. One head of all religious matters. Its time to wake up and smellrepparttar 145558 smoke. Religion is “NOT” Salvation ! I must say that again,Religion is “NOT” Salvation. Wars and rumors of wars are an item inrepparttar 145559 news each and every day. 20 years ago we seldom heard of terrorist or wars in multiple countries. We never heard of combining religions into one unit. God was God and Jesus reigned supreme in our lives. Today we are seeing wars over, Oil, Land, Religion and Power. In justrepparttar 145560 last few weeks I have read of murder-suicides in our home town. Stalkers and terror on ever hand. Saying that a war on terror is win-able is misleading. Terrorist have been on this earth fromrepparttar 145561 beginning and will be untillrepparttar 145562 end of time. Don't misunderstand, protecting people from murder is essential butrepparttar 145563 war on terror is a lost war before it started. We lock our doors because of fear and terror. Lets read an article that was mailed to me from Jerusalem; Foreign Minister Shalom commented onrepparttar 145564 Iranian elections, maintaining thatrepparttar 145565 election of Ahmadinejad proves that Iran is not interested in reform, conciliation and progress; rather, it is interested in conservatism and extremism. The foreign minister said that it is more probable now than ever before thatrepparttar 145566 Iranian government will armrepparttar 145567 terrorist organizations with nuclear weapons and will thereby distributerepparttar 145568 nuclear threat all overrepparttar 145569 world. The connection between terrorism and nuclear weapons is a global existential threat. The international community must form a unified and decisive policy towards Iran, which will assure thatrepparttar 145570 enlightened western nations will not become hostages of an extremist Iran.

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