Christmas Expectations

Written by Teresa Hansen

Christmas is here again. It is a time of year we all look forward to with excitement and anticipation. But it can be a time of year when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, even depressed. So what makesrepparttar difference between enjoyingrepparttar 110731 holidays and having a nervous breakdown?

First of all, we all have certain definitions and expectations of what Christmas is. Of courserepparttar 110732 most basic reason and definition of “Christ”mas is that we celebraterepparttar 110733 birth of Christ. (A fact that is far too often overlooked which we will talk more about in a moment.) Reviewrepparttar 110734 following list of typical Christmas events and chores and consider in these areas what your expectations forrepparttar 110735 season, and of yourself.

•Making up a gift list •Shopping for those gifts •Making, wrapping, mailing gifts •Making cards •Writing cards •Holiday baking •Getting and decoratingrepparttar 110736 tree •Decoratingrepparttar 110737 house •Putting up Christmas lights •Helping with school activities •Helping with church activities •Volunteer or charity work •Traditional holiday events (concerts, plays, festivals) •Special holiday cleaning •Preparing for houseguests •Preparing company meals •Hosting parties •Planning family gatherings •Preparing for holiday travel

Now that you’ve mentally determined your expectations, what are your resources? How much time do you have available for these extra activities? Do you work full-time or part-time outside your home? What everyday commitments do you already have? Are there other people in your family to whom these things are important and who would be willing to help? That last sentence is really an important one to analyze.

Dilemma: You have an expectation that Christmas just isn’t Christmas without having hundreds of lights gracingrepparttar 110738 outside of your home, trees and bushes. But you have so many other to-do lists that you expect your spouse to take care ofrepparttar 110739 lights--(after all, your father always took care of that when you were growing up.) Your husband never grew up with lights onrepparttar 110740 exterior ofrepparttar 110741 house and it just isn’t that important to him.

Solution: You either need to: 1. Lower your expectation of howrepparttar 110742 exterior of your house will be decorated 2. Convey to your husband how important that is to you and lovingly ask if he would be willing to help you (realizing that you don’t want to manipulate or hold a grudge if he doesn’t agree to meet your expectations). 3. Compromise (“Honey, could you please just do one string of lights aroundrepparttar 110743 front roofline ofrepparttar 110744 house?”) 4. Do it yourself. 5. Go without lights.

Use Your Photographs to Create Unique Christmas Gifts

Written by Kelly Mann

Having a tough time coming up with creative Christmas gifts this year? The answer might be right in front of you – in your photograph albums, boxes, or file folders. Don’t just giverepparttar traditional framed photo though. Instead, give your recipients thoughtful, personalized gifts that are also functional. Here are my five favorite photograph gift ideas:

1. Photo transfer coasters: You can transfer photos onto many mediums, from fabric to wood. T-shirts and tote bags are popular, but why not try something really different? Purchase a set of stone coasters (You know,repparttar 110730 super-absorbent kind with cork onrepparttar 110731 bottom.) Then, buy some photo transfer sheets at any craft store. Some transfer sheets allow you to print your digital photos directly ontorepparttar 110732 sheets, while others allow you to photocopy a printed photo.

2. Photo Mouse pad: This is an excellent, useful gift idea for all ofrepparttar 110733 techies in your life. Many photo development stores (online and off) offer mouse pads printed with your favorite photograph. Another option is to buy mouse pads with an opening to add your own photo. These are nice because you can change outrepparttar 110734 picture over time and they generally look as good as or even better thanrepparttar 110735 printed ones.

3. Photo Calendars: Photo development stores offer a variety of calendar designs where you specify your 12, or sometimes more, photos and they print and bindrepparttar 110736 calendars for you. However, these are some ofrepparttar 110737 easiest gifts to make yourself if you have a computer and a photo quality printer. Most greeting card software offers calendar templates or you can purchase specific calendar-creating software. These make great gifts that your family will ask for year-after-year.

4. Photo Magnets: This is one ofrepparttar 110738 easiest photo craft gifts to make and you can be fairly certain your recipients will have a place to put these. The easiest way to make photo magnets is to purchase small magnet frames from a craft store and add your own photos. A slightly more unique approach is to purchase magnet photo paper, print your photos directly ontorepparttar 110739 magnet paper, and cut them out.

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