Choosing the month, date and time

Written by Tom Ttsatsos

The wedding andrepparttar events leading up torepparttar 135304 ceremony are steeped in ancient traditions. Choosingrepparttar 135305 month and day of a bride's wedding were considered as one ofrepparttar 135306 most important decisions. Many followed this rhyme when choosing their wedding month:

Marry whenrepparttar 135307 year is new, he'll be loving, kind and true. When February birds do mate, you wed nor dread your fate. If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know. Marry in April when you can, joy for maiden and for man. Marry inrepparttar 135308 month of May, and you'll surely ruerepparttar 135309 day. Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you'll go. Those who in July do wed must labor for their daily bread. Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see. Marry in September's shrine, your living will be rich and fine. If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry. If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember. When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.

May was considered an unlucky month due to several Pagan traditions. Summer began in May withrepparttar 135310 festival of Baltane, which was celebrated with outdoor orgies. It was considered an unsuitable month to begin married life. In Roman times,repparttar 135311 Feast ofrepparttar 135312 Dead andrepparttar 135313 festival ofrepparttar 135314 goddess of chastity both occurred in May. Inrepparttar 135315 Victorian Era, this advice was taken more seriously than it is today. It is rumored that Queen Victoria forbade her children to marry in May.

It was also considered inappropriate to marry during Lent, as it was a time of abstinence. Thus was bornrepparttar 135316 rhyme: Marry in Lent, live to repent.

June was considered to be a lucky month to marry in because it is named after Juno,repparttar 135317 Roman goddess of love and marriage. It was believed that getting married in June would bring prosperity and happiness torepparttar 135318 newlyweds. June also signifiedrepparttar 135319 end of Lent andrepparttar 135320 arrival of warmer weather. Summer as a whole was considered a good time to marry due torepparttar 135321 sun's association with fertility. If married in June,repparttar 135322 bride was likely to birth her first child inrepparttar 135323 Spring, allowing her enough time to recover beforerepparttar 135324 fall harvest.

The Engagement Ring

Written by Tom Ttsatsos

When a man wanted to get married, it was tradition for him to give his beloved's family something of great value as a sign of his wish to marry her. Ifrepparttar woman accepted his gift, it signified their pledge to marry and it was considered a legally binding transaction. In ancient times,repparttar 135303 betrothal gift was of a more practical nature, usually livestock, fabrics, herbs and spices and even land. The Greeks are credited with beginningrepparttar 135304 tradition ofrepparttar 135305 betrothal (or engagement) ring. Here,repparttar 135306 groom-to-be presented a ring to his intended as a promise of marriage.

Early Roman engagement rings were simple bands with a carved key. There are two theories surrounding this particular style. The romantic version states thatrepparttar 135307 key was to 'unlock' her husband's heart. The more practical version was thatrepparttar 135308 key representedrepparttar 135309 wife's ownership of her husband's estate. When a Roman woman married, she received half of her husband's wealth.

In 860 A.D., Pope Nicholas I ordained that an engagement ring was a requirement as a statement of nuptial intent. He insisted that they be made of gold to show financial sacrifice onrepparttar 135310 part ofrepparttar 135311 prospective husband.

In Renaissance Italy, silver became a popular metal for engagement and wedding rings. These rings were often very ornate and inlaid with Niello, a method of decorating metal objects with engraving techniques. An alloy of silver, copper, lead and sulfur was rubbed into an engraved pattern on silver or gold and then fired. Darkened areas remained inrepparttar 135312 crevices afterrepparttar 135313 object was polished.

Elaborate engagement rings of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and other precious gems became commonplace amongrepparttar 135314 wealthy. Many rings would feature a group of stones to spell out a sentimental word. For example, if one wanted to spell out LOVE on his ring, he would use Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Verde Antique and Emerald. Some husbands-to-be would have a ring fashioned featuring his and his fiancée's birthstones. Sincerepparttar 135315 color blue symbolized purity and fidelity, Sapphire engagement rings were quite popular, especially duringrepparttar 135316 Victorian era.

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