Choosing the Right Web Designer

Written by Andy Quick

Title: "Choosingrepparttar Right Web Designer" Copyright (c) 2002 Author: Andy Quick Contact Author: Website: findmyhosting-webhostingsearch ( Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar 118950 resource box at bottom is included. No notification required. An individual or organization may use a quote or excerpt from this article freely and without prior permission, provided that it clearly attributesrepparttar 118951 quote or excerpt to Andy Quick and to and a link to FindMyHosting - Web Hosting Search is present.


Creating your web site can be a tricky process. Choosingrepparttar 118952 best web design company for your site is extremely important. Unless you run a web-based business, you probably do not have web design experience within your company. Building your web site will take time and a little homework!

To create a web site for your business, follow these 4 simple steps:

1. Establish your goals 2. Determine your budget 3. Pick a web design company 4. Pick a web hosting company

Establish Your Goals

Before you begin looking for company to help you design and build your web site, takerepparttar 118953 time to understandrepparttar 118954 goals of your web site. This will be extremely important to help set expectations withrepparttar 118955 web design company you choose.

In order to set your web site goals, ask yourselfrepparttar 118956 following questions:

- Why do you want a web site? - Are you selling something? - Do you have a catalog of products that changes on a regular basis? - Who is your target market? - Do you already have a brand? - What is your industry? - Who are your competitors? - Do they already have web sites? If so, what do they look like? - If you're selling something, will you accept credit cards overrepparttar 118957 internet? - How soon do you want your web site? - What happens if you never create a web site for your business?

Takerepparttar 118958 time to answer each ofrepparttar 118959 above questions and if you have time, writerepparttar 118960 answers down on a sheet of paper. These arerepparttar 118961 same questions most web design companies will ask you before they begin to create your site. If you have these questions answered up front, you will have some criteria for choosingrepparttar 118962 right web design company. For example, if you are a real estate agent, and want to publish listings on your web site, you should seek a web design company that knows aboutrepparttar 118963 real estate business and has created web pages for other real estate agents.

Determine Your Budget

How much do you want to spend on your web site. Web sites can cost you anywhere from $100 to $100,000 depending upon what you want it to do. Know your spending constraints before you begin negotiating with design companies. Whatever you do, do not tell a web design company what your budget is!! Always get pricing based on your needs, not you budget.

Pick a Web Design Company

Your choice of a web design company is a very important step. Take your time to investigate all of your options. Here are some important items to consider.

Design vs. Build

Depending uponrepparttar 118964 scope of your web site, you may need to choose two different companies. Building a web site is a highly technical process. Designing a web site is a highly creative process. Many advertising firms specialize in web site design which does not necessarily require any web development skills whatsoever. The process of creating a web site is similar torepparttar 118965 process of building a new home. Before you ask a construction company to start building, you first seek out an architect who creates a blueprint of your house taking into account what you want (number of stories, square footage, etc.). Creating a detailed blueprint before construction begins can help you accurately estimaterepparttar 118966 final price. Withoutrepparttar 118967 blueprint, you may end up paying a lot of money for a house that does not fit your needs. Creating a web site is exactlyrepparttar 118968 same except most web site "builders" also claim to be "designers". The good news is that you can look at other sites a web design company has created (like looking at other homes that a home builder has made). Make sure you askrepparttar 118969 web design company what their process is for designing a web site vs. building a web site. They should understandrepparttar 118970 difference between these two concepts. If they don't, they're probably builder that think they can also architect.

Top Things You Must Realize When Searching

Written by Andrew Malek

Forrepparttar uninitiated, searching for web pages can seem a slow, obscure process. Unless you have a high-speed Internet connection, web pages may seem to take days to load. Andrepparttar 118949 searching itself – you have to admit it looks weird typing in bunches of plus signs, asterisks, parenthesis, and other funny symbols and operators to find what you want.

To help you in this process and show that you are not, I’ve compiled a top five list of things you must realize when searchingrepparttar 118950 web for information. No pencils will fly, no drums will roll, but you just might learn something.

5. Search Engines Have to Make Money

Before you grumble overrepparttar 118951 growing number of advertisements and sponsored links that appear in search engine results page, remember that most search engines are free. You’re not paying anything for a very costly service. Thus, these sites have to earn income somehow to stay afloat (computing power and bandwidth isn’t cheap!) So, to put it bluntly… live with it.

(Yes, I know some types of advertising are much more obtrusive than others. Popup ads, dancing animations, and other larger advertisements may make it harder to use some search engines that support these types of ads. If you don’t like it, vote with your mouse clicks and move to another search engine).

4. Sites Go Down

Worse yet, you’ve entered in your perfect search query, looked atrepparttar 118952 results page, andrepparttar 118953 first site you see no longer exists!

The Internet changes allrepparttar 118954 time. Unfortunately, search engines and directories are not able to constantly query every site onrepparttar 118955 Internet to see if they are still online. Occasionally (in other words, probably frequently) you will find links to web sites that no longer exist. It is just a part of life. Especially withrepparttar 118956 dot-com bust, many web site owners can no longer afford to host free resources. If they could not convert their traffic to paying customers, they just took their sites down.

So when you find a link that is dead, don’t pump your fist in anger … just go back torepparttar 118957 results page and move along. Or, better yet, if you’re using a search engine that caches pages, such as Google, just look atrepparttar 118958 cached version ofrepparttar 118959 now defunct pages and findrepparttar 118960 information contained therein. It’s like stepping through a time machine!

3. Your Web Browser Will Crash

On a related note, not only do web sites go down – but so may your web browser. Sometimes it will be due to visiting a multimedia-intensive web site. Sometimes it will seem to happen for no reason. But it will happen, and when it does, don’t go blaming yourself saying that you did something wrong.

Web browsers, like just about any other type of computer software program available onrepparttar 118961 market, are not infallible. They can and usually do contain bugs. These may predictably rear their ugly heads when visiting sites containing a lot of multimedia and advanced interactive elements, or they may appear completely at random.

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