Choosing a Winning Business Idea

Written by Jennifer Tripp

You've probably heard it a hundred times by now - if you want to make alot of money with an online business you have to offer your own product or service. Well, make that a hundred and one times...

It's true. Although affiliate programs are a great way to add additional streams of income,repparttar best money maker is still a unique product or service that you control. That way you earn all ofrepparttar 108926 money instead of only 10% - 40%.

Here are six tips to help you choose a winning business idea:

1. Start with what you know. If you have experience in a particular area, either through your work or hobbies, thenrepparttar 108927 best place to start is thinking how you can turn that experience into a business. It doesn't have to be something you've worked at for 20 years, think ofrepparttar 108928 things you're good at and that you could expand your knowledge on to create a business.

2. Don't waste time trying to find a brand new idea. Atrepparttar 108929 height ofrepparttar 108930 dot com era there was a race to berepparttar 108931 first to launch a new product or to service a particular market. Although many ofrepparttar 108932 first launched services received alot of recognition for their innovation, they ultimately failed because they were breaking new ground and didn't know how to succeed. Many ofrepparttar 108933 second and subsequent businesses in those markets succeeded because they sawrepparttar 108934 mistakes that were made and capitalized on fixing them.

When thinking of a new business idea don't assume you have to find something that isn't currently being done. A better strategy for most new entrepreneurs is to find something that is being done but that needs improvement.

3. Find a business area that needs improvement. Think aboutrepparttar 108935 products and services you use or that you've heard other people talk about. Are there any that could be improved on? Is there anything they're not offering that would be of value? Consider starting a business that fills a need that isn't being met byrepparttar 108936 current providers.

4. Focus on a niche. Select a specific market to which you can offer unique products or services. You can't be everything to everyone, and trying to offer a giant selection of goods to a huge and generalized market isrepparttar 108937 route to frustration, disappointment, and failure.

I'm Out of Ideas, Now What?

Written by Terri Seymour

I'm Out of Ideas, Now What? © Terri Seymour I am actually out of ideas for an article this week, so I guess I will make that into an article. Do you have a similar problem? You write article after article and finally you just seem to draw a blank for ideas for another article! I am sure this happens to all of us at some point or other.

Well, when it happens to me there are a few things that I do to try to find some fresh ideas. Maybe some of these ideas will give you an idea or two. ;-)

*Checkrepparttar message boards - Message boards are a great place to see what kind of information people are looking for. Followrepparttar 108925 discussions and see what things people are interested in and need to know more about. I have found many an article idea readingrepparttar 108926 boards.

Try these boards to get started:

*Catch up on your email discussion groups - Another great place to find out what info people are looking for is email discussion groups. Not only can you get ideas for your articles, but you can learn a lot as well. If you are not subscribed to any of these groups, here are a few I recommend:

*Visit a few Internet news sites - These sites can keep you informed of current events, happenings and online news. Research and write your own news articles to keep your readers informed.

These sites might be of help:

*Read through your emails - Take note of what people are asking you about and what they are most concerned with. Keep a file on hand and record all questions and email that can be turned into articles.

*Read through some ezines - Ezines are a goldmine of information and ideas. They allow you to keep abreast ofrepparttar 108927 latest products, programs, home biz opps, etc.

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