Choosing A Domain Name

Written by Lester Boey

--About Domain Names--

Choosing a domain name for your web site is a major step for any individual or organization. You need domain names that are sticky, short, meaningful, easy to remember and atrepparttar roll of your tongue!

It is very easy to choose a domain name but difficult to find a good name, simply because ofrepparttar 108241 fact that most ofrepparttar 108242 good domain names are taken up by organisations. These domain name organisations take up hundreds of thousands of domain names and treat them as investments. It is not as easy to choose a good domain name. Sometimes, even web professionals spend hours at their computers to find good domain names!

What is a domain name and where to register?

Written by Michael Kralj

A domain name is an alias for an IP address. Now what is an IP address? An IP address is a numeric code that signifies where to look throughrepparttar Internet for content. An example of an IP address would be Rather than typing in a long and easily forgotten IP address, a domain name helps you by typing an easily remembered name to accessrepparttar 108240 same site.

For example, is a domain name that points to a specific IP address. People can remember a domain name such as much easier than they can a long numeric code.

Domain names are everywhere as many use it everyday. Think of search sites. Google and Yahoo both have corresponding domain names and If you have ever sent an email you have used a domain name. For example when sending an email to, isrepparttar 108241 domain name.

Now that we have a better understanding of domain names, we need to know which domain name to pick and where can we register it. The domain name chosen for a web site can be a very important decision of marketing your company onrepparttar 108242 Internet. Its quite easy to just say pick a catchy domain that everyone will remember to use and you are set. In most cases it is that simple and you are set on your way to registerrepparttar 108243 domain. However, at timesrepparttar 108244 domain name you want has already been taken. And then you must think of a secondary name that you wish to use that will be just as catchy asrepparttar 108245 first.

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