Choose To Be Happy, Now!

Written by Teri Worten

Choose Happiness....Now! The older I get,repparttar more I realize that ninety percent of life is about choices. Similarly, bothrepparttar 123856 choice to be happy or unhappy is totally up torepparttar 123857 individual. Sure, unforeseeable circumstances come along and rattle our cages from time to time but how we chose to let them affect us is our choice. We can resolve to allowrepparttar 123858 situations to defeat us or we can simply count it all joy and keep on going.

Counting it all joy is not basically grinning through a rough circumstance. It’s much more. When we count it all joy, we recognize and seek God’s hand inrepparttar 123859 midst ofrepparttar 123860 quandary. We acceptrepparttar 123861 fact that whatever happens in our lives is somehow working out for our good. Trust me, as someone who has buried most all my immediate family, I understand how difficult it can be to remain optimistic. As I update this article, I am recovering fromrepparttar 123862 sudden death of a sibling (the second one in three years). So, I do indeed understand pain and grief, but I also understandrepparttar 123863 wonderful peace that comes from my faith and my decision to continue on with my life. Let’s be frank. Happiness is not always going to "find" you. Therefore, you’ve got to passionately, intentionally, seek, chase and pursue it on your own in spite of your present circumstances. As you well know, there will always be people, systems and personalities trying to rob you of your joy and purpose. But once you find your joy, it's up to you to not to let it escape - even inrepparttar 123864 midst of turmoil and unimaginable pain.

Turn the Escape Key Now

Written by Stephanie West Allen

“I think I know how bank robbers feel as they wait for tellers to stuff their bounty into a satchel. . . . I damn near giggled as she handed me that bag, validated my parking stub, smiled, and raised her eyes torepparttar next customer, just like that. Clutching my toy to my chest, I shoved throughrepparttar 123855 crowd and hustled towardsrepparttar 123856 exit.

“Geez, would I get away with it? Slip a creative writing book past my mean-spirited internal censor? Would I finally ignore that sour-breathed advisor who had always banished enthusiasm with its sick idea of realism, pointing fingers and thundering, ‘This will go nowhere. This is a waste of time that will cost you. This is PLAY.’” Tama J. Kieves, from _This Time I Dance: Trustingrepparttar 123857 Journey of Creatingrepparttar 123858 Work You Love_.


I don’t suppose any of you have a “mean-spirited internal censor,” that Judgment Jabber? Judgment Jabber isrepparttar 123859 voice that lives inside your mind that tells you: “You’re not good enough.” “You’re wasting your time on this job/relationship/recipe.” “Who are you to think you can succeed,/be different/sing?” “What a failure!” “Look at your wrinkles/big ears.”

And lots of other negative things as it causes, exacerbates, and articulates your fears. It is a powerful block torepparttar 123860 loosened mind. Do you hear Judgment Jabber (JJ, for short)?

How many creations do you think have been lost torepparttar 123861 world due torepparttar 123862 JJ Jailers?

JJ Jailers prohibit us from placing before ourselvesrepparttar 123863 clay we can mold into majestic sculptures. They incarcerate poems. They silence singing vocal cords. They put paints and brushes into solitary confinement. They imprison feet wanting to dance. They barricade written masterpieces. They handcuff craftwork. They put all forms of creative impulses under heavy restraint. The put dreams inrepparttar 123864 slammer.

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