Choice and Change, The Two Constants

Written by Clyde Dennis

OK, so here we are. We've switchedrepparttar calendars out and made our resolutions. Now it's time to set aboutrepparttar 132176 process of making those changes we've resolved to make. You haven't forgotten already have you?

I heard you say this year I'm going to... stop smoking, exercise more, take a few night classes, start saving for retirement, eat healthier, cut my alcohol intake by 50%, get more rest and on and on and on. Choices to change. I applaud you for living consciously enough to even realize that some changes might be good.

Unfortunately there are those who don't dare think that on any given day, we can in any way we choose change anything or everything about ourselves and thus our lives. It seems we've somehow been coerced into believing major portions ofrepparttar 132177 course of our lives are set in stone and are therefore unchangeable.

This of course could not be further fromrepparttar 132178 truth.

On any day we wish we can open a new book for reading or start writing a new and exciting chapter of our own, in our own. We can stretch ourselves to meet new challenges, or we can choose to shrink away from them. At will we can turn old friends new again, and new friends old. We can move up, or we can move on. The choices that we can and must make are essentially endless.

What we must not loose sight of is that these things are in fact CHOICES. And even more importantly we must realize it's through these choices that our history is being continually written.

We also of course haverepparttar 132179 choice and option of exercising our choice not to choose. I call thisrepparttar 132180 choice of mediocrity. This tag because not to choose is still a choice made. It's just allowingrepparttar 132181 choice to be made for you rather than by you. A very mediocre way to live. It's choosing to pretend to be alive rather than going ahead and doing it. I can't imagine though why someone would CHOOSE mediocrity. I Guess it's a comfort thing? I mean whatrepparttar 132182 heck, we're here anyway. May as well dorepparttar 132183 thing. Right?

The People Around You are People Like You

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Wake up and realizerepparttar people around you, are people like yourself.

Most people inrepparttar 132174 world these days are living in cities, some upwards of 30 million individuals as inrepparttar 132175 case of Tokyo, Japan. Chances are you are in a city right now, as this type of living has becomerepparttar 132176 prominent choice for those of us on Earth, especially in developed countries. That is not to say that there aren’t many other ways of existing in our world, but for now this seems to berepparttar 132177 structure that we adhere to. In tribal times we lived at one with nature surrounded by trees, plants, and animals within a close-knit community where everyone was very familiar with everybody else. Now, we are still surrounded by aspects of nature, but it isrepparttar 132178 people that mainly representrepparttar 132179 living energy around us in daily life. One imperfection that I have become aware of within this social scenario has to do with how humans now see and treat each other.

O.K., you are surrounded by people in suits and business attire rushing to get to their jobs. There are so many faces that admittedly if you tried to takerepparttar 132180 time to connect with all of them you would either go crazy or be completely drained of all your available mental energies. However, we have reacted to this situation in quite a questionable manner. We have begun to treat each other like we treat our livestock, (also a questionable relationship) as if we are just a mass of faceless, nameless bodies. In many moments of our modern technological lifestyle we are now being faced withrepparttar 132181 prospect of talking to machines on phones, being referred to as a customer number rather than our given names, and having conversations with each other that are totally devoid of all real meaning and caring.

Take for instancerepparttar 132182 last time you bought groceries atrepparttar 132183 supermarket. You stand in line, a sheep being let out to pasture. Finally it is your turn. You stack up all your food (energy source) onrepparttar 132184 conveyor belt andrepparttar 132185 checkout clerk ‘beeps’ allrepparttar 132186 items with their magical laser that will tell how many energy credits (money) you are to trade. Now ask yourself honestly, how often do you speak torepparttar 132187 cashier? Not just, “Hello, how are you?” to be polite, but really speak to them as fellow human beings, fellow spirits with dreams and loves like your own. How often do you see these people as equals, as creatures ofrepparttar 132188 same form as yourself, made up of exactlyrepparttar 132189 same light energy molecules? How often do you realize that they are a person that deserves respect and attention as much as any other family member or friend that relates to you in any moment of your life?

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