Chlamydia (Kla-Mid-Dee-Ah)

Written by Andrea Sheehy

Chlamydia (Kla-Mid-Dee-Ah) isrepparttar commonest and curable sexually transmitted infection (STI) inrepparttar 140546 UK.

The most important thing to know about Chlamydia is that any one who is having sex is vulnerable. You only need to have unprotected sex with one person who hasrepparttar 140547 infection to catch it; but of course,repparttar 140548 more partners you have,repparttar 140549 more likely you are to be infected. During 2001, there were more than 71,000 new reported cases,repparttar 140550 highest level ever and a 10 % rise from 2000.

According to Public Health laboratory Service figures it is estimated that one in ten under 25 year olds now haverepparttar 140551 infection.

If you are over 25 and have had two partners within a year, or recently changed partners your risk increases.

One ofrepparttar 140552 most alarming problems with Chlamydia is that it is asymptomatic; that is to say most people don’t know that they have it inrepparttar 140553 early stages. This means that it is very easily passed on without people knowing. Some warning signs could be:

* Discharge * Pain or burning when urinating * Inflammation ofrepparttar 140554 penis or vagina * Pain inrepparttar 140555 lower part ofrepparttar 140556 body * Heavy periods or irregular bleeding * Testicular pain

What is a Healthy Relationship?

Written by Andrea Sheehy

There is evidence that people with a strong support network are healthier. So, how can we tell if our relationship is a healthy one? I think that there are five main areas to look at communication, respect, trust, responsibility and care.

Communication The best way to tell if your relationship is a healthy one is by asking yourself, "How easy it is to talk to my partner, and how honest can I be with him/her?" Findingrepparttar time to talk, being as open as you can, listening torepparttar 140545 whole message and being able to work out disagreements are all signs that you are in a healthy relationship.

Respect A healthy relationship is one in which both partners treat each other with respect. Listening to each other’s views and opinions are ways of showing respect. This includes sharing parental responsibilities, making family decisions together and mutually agreeing on a fair distribution of work.

Even in a healthy relationship arguments will happen because we all come from different family backgrounds and have different family traditions, life experience and opinions. Because we respect each other, we sort out arguments by coming to a solution that we are both happy with.

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