Cheap Christmas Gift Ideas

Written by Shannon Jarvies

Now thatrepparttar biggest shopping season ofrepparttar 110740 year is in full swing it might be a good time to create a holiday budget. I'm sure there are lots of names on your list, but hopefully you can find gifts that won't put a big dent in your pocketbook. I've come up with a few good ideas that might help.

Make your Own. Everybody loves a homemade gift. It means that you really put some time and thought into it. You can make your own bath salts, bubble bath, brownie mixes and more! Choose an inexpensive jar, add a ribbon and you've got a really cool gift that didn't cost a fortune. You can findrepparttar 110741 recipes to these homemade gifts here: And I've got some homemade stocking stuffer ideas here:

It's probably too late to start this idea for this holiday season but you can plan ahead forrepparttar 110742 next. After Christmas is one ofrepparttar 110743 best times to buy gifts. Almost everything is marked down-sometimes as much as 50%. So create a list for next year and hitrepparttar 110744 shops after Christmas!

Organize (and Decorate) Your Home on a Budget with Baskets

Written by Karen Fritscher-Porter

What's an item that can help you organize every room in your home, helps createrepparttar appearance that you're a tidy housekeeper (even if you're not), and perks up your decorating scheme?

Need another hint?

It comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and materials and can be found in many local retail stores, including craft stores and discount retailers, and at flea markets and craft shows and well basically it's a universal item found all overrepparttar 110739 world. You probably have one right now in your home.

It's a basket!

Sorepparttar 110740 next time someone gives you one filled with anything from sweets to colognes, don't discard it once you've used what's in it. Oncerepparttar 110741 items are gone,repparttar 110742 basket's job has only just begun. Read onward to find out how to use this wonderful item in every room in your house.

For instance, inrepparttar 110743 kitchen, you can use hanging wall pocket baskets, which have flat backs, to store dry sponges and scrubbers as well as pot holders, oven mitts, dry dish rags and spare kitchen hand towels.

And in your family room or den, you might use a deep, round or cylindrical shaped basket onrepparttar 110744 coffee table to hold television or other electronic remotes. A basket made of rags will slide without scratching (or put a doily underneath). (Imagine never losingrepparttar 110745 television remote again because you have an assigned place to put it in full view--that blends in with your home decor.)

And inrepparttar 110746 bedroom, a wicker hamper with a lid inrepparttar 110747 closet can store extra pillows and keep them dust-free. If you see openings inrepparttar 110748 wicker slats or don't like your linens snagging onrepparttar 110749 inside ofrepparttar 110750 basket, linerepparttar 110751 hamper with a sheet or large gallon trash bag.

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