Charge the lines...

Written by Terry L. Dashner

Chargerepparttar lines…

Terry Dashner………………Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

“He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms” (Psalms 18:34).

You rememberrepparttar 122695 name Florence Nightingale, don’t you? The year was 1854 andrepparttar 122696 war wasrepparttar 122697 Crimean War. The players? For one, Russia wanted control ofrepparttar 122698 Dardanelles. Secondly, Turkey resisted with France and Britain joining her. Britain would allow no one to threaten her sea trade, especially throughrepparttar 122699 Dardanelles. There was war for two years, and Florence ledrepparttar 122700 charge with nurses, tendingrepparttar 122701 wounded and dying.

There was another charge too. Alfred Lord Tennyson was his name. A modern war correspondent of sorts Tennyson writes these opening lines, “Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All inrepparttar 122702 valley of Death Roderepparttar 122703 six hundred. Forward,repparttar 122704 Light Brigade! Charge forrepparttar 122705 guns!’ he said: Intorepparttar 122706 valley of Death Roderepparttar 122707 six hundred.” Yes, these arerepparttar 122708 opening lines torepparttar 122709 famed, “The Charge ofrepparttar 122710 Light Brigade.”

I awoke this morning torepparttar 122711 cadence of this poem…’Forward,repparttar 122712 Light Brigade!” And then out of my inner being I begin to hearrepparttar 122713 words from Psalms 18:34, “He teacheth my hands to war,…” More on this in just a minute, but first—listen to these words: “O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather’d every rack,repparttar 122714 prize we sought is won; The port is near,repparttar 122715 bells I hear,repparttar 122716 people all exulting, While follow eyesrepparttar 122717 steady keel,repparttar 122718 vessel grim and daring: But O heart! Heart! Heart! Heart! Orepparttar 122719 bleeding drops of red, Where onrepparttar 122720 deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.”

Do you rememberrepparttar 122721 lyrical words? You should. They arerepparttar 122722 words of Walt Whitman. He penned these words, being moved byrepparttar 122723 death of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was truly a Captain par excellence. There seemed to be a lot of senseless death inrepparttar 122724 mid 1800s in America’s war of brother against brother and in Russia’s Ukraine.

For now, back to my opening charge. Tennyson penned his immortal lines, being moved by little more than 600 light cavalry men who moved across an open terrain to a suicidal fate. The canons belched flack and taintedrepparttar 122725 air overhead with black-powder smoke, butrepparttar 122726 light brigade kept moving forward…”Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All inrepparttar 122727 valley of Death Roderepparttar 122728 six hundred.” What would cause brave boys—barely men—to keep moving forward without breaking ranks inrepparttar 122729 face of gruesome death? Would it be discipline? Would it be forrepparttar 122730 glory of battle? What could it be?

Life 101 For the Young and Young at Heart! Book Excerpt

Written by Caren A. Adams

Lesson 1. Category Well Being Plan to do this. Stop blaming others for your shortcomings and failings in life. Why should you do this? What ever happened inrepparttar past is not a prediction of what will happen inrepparttar 122694 future. Take control of you, your thoughts, and your actions, so you may do something positive about your future life circumstances. What happened? There have been situations where people stepped, and even stomped me torepparttar 122695 ground, both mentally and physically. It was not until evaluating why this was happening when an epiphany happened, a clarity I never had before; I was allowing these negative people and things to occur in my life. Allrepparttar 122696 time, blaming others for their words and actions, and thenrepparttar 122697 truth hit me like a ton of bricks. If I did not want others to take advantage of me, then I should remove myself from their presence, either mentally or physically. It is hard to say this to someone, more so to children who have no control over their circumstances, but then again, maybe they actually do have control to some extent. Talking to their teachers, extended family, or neighbors, callingrepparttar 122698 police or child services for help is a start. How do you convey to anyone that he hasrepparttar 122699 power to do anything if he does not have a strong mind and willing heart? Control your life from within yourself—it is that simple. If you do not believe you have control, then remove yourself physically fromrepparttar 122700 situation. If you must remain in a situation, then cut off negative people and their actions in your mind; find a way to drown them out, as if you were tuning out commercials when watching television.

When bonus time had arrived, I overheard our supervisor telling our manager to exclude my job function fromrepparttar 122701 bonus pool by transferring it to another department. Some people are mean spirited, and you cannot help them, just pray for them. I did not receive a bonus that year, allowing our supervisor to receive an even larger bonus. Everyday, as I passed our supervisor inrepparttar 122702 halls I would repeat this to myself, “You mean absolutely nothing to me, and this is only a stepping stone onrepparttar 122703 way to a greater life that God has promised me.” I could not change what happened but I could change my response. Convincing myself that it was a learning opportunity, one that would make me more humble, to learn not to react negatively to others, to learn how to ignore some people and things, and to look forward to a better future. Take this truth torepparttar 122704 next step, and you release blame and not allow it to consume your life by dwelling on its negativity but go on to take control of your life and actions to make you a better person. How do you do this? Changingrepparttar 122705 blame from them to me by questioning myself as to what I was doing to deserve this. Thinking it must be something I did. When I answeredrepparttar 122706 question, I realized I was not doing anything. Therein laidrepparttar 122707 problem of who was responsible. Questioning, allowed me to evaluate other options I could use to change my circumstances. The options were to remove myself fromrepparttar 122708 situation or stick to it but change my perspective. Instead of hoping for people orrepparttar 122709 circumstances to change, which were unreliable anyway, takerepparttar 122710 steps necessary to circumventrepparttar 122711 problem. Never try to change a person. Offering suggestions may help, but ultimately I have control over my destiny, rather thanrepparttar 122712 molds others have set for me.

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