I wonder what it is that sparks first interest in wanting to improve your life?All through your Life you plod along, going with flow, and then one day it suddenly doesn't seem 'enough' any more.
The catalyst can be anything from a "Final Notice' bill to a near fatal car accident.
It is that sudden 'snapping' feeling, that seems to lift a veil from your eyes. You begin to see potential around you.
You begin to wonder how come others can have life they have and you keep on struggling along, barely making ends even see each other, never mind meeting bit.
I heard something other day that gave me a kick in pants.
This person said that envy is a profound 'brick to head - sign'. A sign that you need to do something, NOW.
When you envy someone you need to stop and remove self-pity prop.
They have what they have, because they've worked hard enough to deserve what they have. You can have whatever it is you desire, if you are willing to do work that is required.
So key is to take responsibility for your experience of Life.
Stop sitting there feeling sorry for yourself and get up and do what is required, otherwise you'll be wallowing until you do.
Taking responsibility for your experience of Life will empower you to truly live life you are meant to.
No more 'pity talk'. Stop and analyze everything that happens to you, every moment of day.
If someone cut you up at a traffic light and it was your fault, acknowledge error, apologize and carry on. If it wasn't your fault, take it as a lesson that you need to be extra vigilant at traffic lights in order to stay safe. As Napoleon Hill says, 'There is seed of greater or equivalent benefit in every situation'.