Changing Your Luck

Written by Sam Stevens

In this week's New Age Notebook, I am going to address a subject that often comes up inrepparttar chat rooms: LUCK. Why is it that some people seem to be born with horseshoes uprepparttar 128443 wazoo while others battle an endless string of disasters and setbacks?Is there such thing as being born under a lucky star? Is it karma or a curse? While some are eternal victims of Murphy's Law: "if something can go wrong, it will.", others seem to be able to get away with murder and suffer no consequences at all. Luckily, I came across a very interesting article inrepparttar 128444 London Telegraph about this subject by Richard Wiseman, a researcher who has been studying extremely lucky and very unlucky people forrepparttar 128445 past ten years. His goal was to find out if it was possible for anybody to become "luckier." Wiseman asked hundreds of people who felt they were either "very lucky" or "very unlucky" to fill out diaries and take part in questionnaires. I. Q. tests and experiments. The findings have revealed that although unlucky people have almost no insight intorepparttar 128446 causes of their good and bad luck, their thoughts and behaviour are responsible for much of their malfortune. First he refers to what is calledrepparttar 128447 "chance opportunity" or "lucky break." We all know that lucky people consistently encounter them, while unlucky people do not. Wiseman performed a test in which he asked both fortunate and unfortunate people to search through a newspaper and find out how many photographs were inside. On average,repparttar 128448 unlucky people took about two minutes to countrepparttar 128449 photographs whilerepparttar 128450 lucky people took just seconds. Why? Becauserepparttar 128451 second page ofrepparttar 128452 newspaper containedrepparttar 128453 message: "Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper!" This message took up halfrepparttar 128454 page and was written in type that was more than five centimetres high. It was staring everyone inrepparttar 128455 face, butrepparttar 128456 unlucky people tended to miss it andrepparttar 128457 lucky tended to spot it. For fun, Wiseman apparently placed a second large message halfway throughrepparttar 128458 newspaper: "Stop counting. Tellrepparttar 128459 experimenter you have seen this and win $700£." Again,repparttar 128460 unlucky people missedrepparttar 128461 opportunity because they were still stuck inrepparttar 128462 past -- too busy looking forrepparttar 128463 original 43 photographs. So it seems that being too obsessed or attached to pursuing one goal, tends to make you somehow blind to opportunity and somehow unlucky. Personality tests also revealed that unlucky people are generally much more tense than lucky people, and research has shown that anxiety disrupts people's ability to noticerepparttar 128464 unexpected. The harder they looked,repparttar 128465 less they saw. Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else. Wiseman opened a "luck school, conducted all kinds of experiments and inrepparttar 128466 end concluded that lucky people generate good fortune by usingrepparttar 128467 following three techniques:

What Do I Need to Start Scrapbooking?

Written by Robert Smith

The best thing about scrapbooking is that although there are a plethora of scrapbooking supplies available onrepparttar market, you really don't need a lot to make your very first scrapbook. Basically, all you need to scrapbook is an album, some glue, a pair of scissors, and some photographs or newspaper clippings. Any fabric, ribbon, or bits of leftovers from other projects can be used to embellish your scrapbook.

As you get more acquainted with scrapbooking, you will find products that save you time and frustration. Many of these products are well worthrepparttar 128441 extra cost. Atrepparttar 128442 top of this list is an exacto knife. This strong and versatile blade allows you to cut almost anything into any shape. Whenrepparttar 128443 blade is dull,repparttar 128444 end is simply broken off to reveal another sharp tip. Just be sure to placerepparttar 128445 object you plan to cut onto a mat or wad or newspaper before usingrepparttar 128446 exacto knife. Otherwise,repparttar 128447 knife will cut right through your picture and into your scrapbook page or dining room table.

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