Change the Way You Think and Change Your Life

Written by Dawn Fields

Changerepparttar Way You Think and Change Your Life

Dennis is working as a factory worker duringrepparttar 122890 day and a security guard at night. He needs these two incomes in order to stay above water in his bills. He has Wednesday’s off on both jobs and that isrepparttar 122891 day he gets everything done. Yes, he’s tired allrepparttar 122892 time, but hey, how else is he expected to make a living.

One Wednesday, Dennis attended a seminar giving by motivational speaker, Dawn Fields, and discovered his life purpose is to be a writer. He always liked to write. He was never serious about it but it was always something he did that helped him get in touch with his creative side and he really enjoyed it.

Afterrepparttar 122893 seminar, Dennis was gun-ho about his writing. He figured he would bring some notepads and pencils with him to his security guard job and instead of watching television while on duty, he would spend his free time writing.

The next day after attendingrepparttar 122894 seminar, Thursday, he was diligent with his writing. But after writing three pages, he torn it up and told himself that it was horrible. He started again. This time, he didn’t get pastrepparttar 122895 first page before he balledrepparttar 122896 paper up and threw it inrepparttar 122897 garbage. He started again and this time he got to page four before he decided that he simply was not a good writer. What was he thinking? He couldn’t write anything that anyone would be interested in reading. He simply wasn’t good enough.

He wasn’t even good in English when he was in high school. He can’t even remember how many times he brought home a C- or a D in English. He can still hear his father saying, “Boy, you must really be dumb.”

That’s it. He’s dumb. He knew it. How could he possibly be a writer when he is dumb? That motivational speaker wasrepparttar 122898 cause of all of this. If it weren’t for her pumping him up into thinking he could do this, he never ever would have tried and therefore he wouldn’t have to put himself in this position that is now making him feel so miserable.

You see, Dennis will never berepparttar 122899 writer he was meant to be, unless and until he changesrepparttar 122900 way he thinks about himself. Somewhere alongrepparttar 122901 line, either Dennis or Dennis’ father, or perhaps someone else, has convinced Dennis that he is dumb and cannot write. Although Dennis loves to write and considers writing to be a way in which he expresses himself creatively, he believes that his writing is not good enough for others to read or enjoy.

Dennis has a problem. But it’s a problem that can be fixed.

So many of us know that we haverepparttar 122902 capability to do something wonderful and enjoyable with our lives, yet we allow ourselves and others, to sabotage our efforts. We listen to negative information and take it into our minds as if this negative information were indeed facts about us. Before we know it, we start believing it to be true.

The solution: learn to think positive.

Yeah, Dawn. I know that. I’ve heard it a thousands times. But how do I really think positive when I have all this negative information inside of me that has been inside of me for years. It’s easier said than done.

Well, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that it’s simple and if you do XYZ by tomorrow you will be able to remove allrepparttar 122903 negative doubts you have about yourself and replace them with positive thoughts.

But what I will tell you is how to start changing your doubts about yourself, into positive feelings that will help you believe you can liverepparttar 122904 life you were born to live. And thatrepparttar 122905 longer you tell yourself that this is true,repparttar 122906 more you will start to believe that it is true, thereby pushing out of your mind, allrepparttar 122907 negative garbage that was inside of you.

Be a doer not a talker!

Written by Kunbi Korostensky ND/ Psychotherapist

Have you ever thought about how easy it is to talk yourself out of an action or talk around an issue and yet do nothing about it?

Do you know people who love to tell others about what they want to achieve and how they envision their lives? Yet five or even ten years downrepparttar line, they are still nowhere near to attaining their vision except for talking about it?

You do? Well ask yourself this question:

Are you constantly dreaming and talking about what you want, or are you pro-actively moving toward achieving it?

The sincerity you show in answeringrepparttar 122889 question will be an indication of where you are right now on your path.

We all love to dream, and it is quite healthy to dream as long as we userepparttar 122890 dream to motivate us into taking action.

Taking action keeps you in motion, which is essential, if you want to be inrepparttar 122891 natural flow of exchange vibrationally and physically. Being in motion does not necessarily require you running around and getting all stressed out. It is simply using your intuition to help you discern what needs to be done and then doing it withrepparttar 122892 right frame of mind.

Changes offer yourepparttar 122893 opportunity to strengthen your intuitive powers and use them as your 'life detector' for a greater and a more benevolent existence.

I remember when I started looking into Life Coaching and coaching training schools, how apprehensive and unsure I was aboutrepparttar 122894 whole thing. Primarily because I wasn't sure aboutrepparttar 122895 outcome of it in Switzerland. But then, I suddenly realised that it was up to me to definerepparttar 122896 outcome I wanted and not allowrepparttar 122897 environment I live in dictate my outcome to me. So I forged ahead, did my training and became a Life Coach, instead of just talking about it!

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