Change Is Threatening Your Business

Written by Bob Leduc

Change Is Threatening Your Business Copyright 2003 Bob Leduc

You cannot grow a business today by simply repeating what you did successfully inrepparttar past ...or even recently.

Clever competitors and new technology are producing changes that will reducerepparttar 120956 effectiveness of your current marketing efforts. These 3 strategies enable you to overcome this threat - and continue to grow your business.

1. Keep Testing New Advertising Methods

The first impact of change is often a shrinking return on your response from proven advertising methods ...followed by a decline inrepparttar 120957 sales they produce. Don't wait for this to happen before taking action.

Continually test and evaluaterepparttar 120958 effectiveness of everything you use or do to promote your business. Test new marketing methods - and old ones you never tried before. Replace less effective marketing methods withrepparttar 120959 more effective ones you discover with your testing.

Tip: Invest 80 percent of your advertising budget and effort in proven promotions and 20 percent in testing new variations. Most businesses using this system continue growing - even in highly competitive markets.

2. Keep Opening New Markets

Never stop looking for new markets you can serve. Every new market you open increases your sales ...and helps insulate you fromrepparttar 120960 impact of change.

Changing market conditions or an aggressive competitor may cause your sales to drop in one market. Butrepparttar 120961 impact will not be devastating if you have a variety of other markets producing results for you.

Tip: One quick and easy way to find profitable new markets is to sub-divide your current market into several narrowly defined niche markets. Then customize your advertising so it offers specific solutions torepparttar 120962 unique needs of prospects in each niche market.

Even beginners can design web pages that stand out

Written by Carol A.

Web Sites That Stand Out

by Carol A.

The Wide World Web has information that some of us aren't aware of. Months ago, I needed help with designing my web site. One that would stand out. Well, it took awhile to find. I checked other pages by writers to get some ideas.

Some web portals will help you design your own pages in minutes (which is great for beginners).

As a writer of mostly adult fiction work, I wanted something bold and colorful. Any good search engine will take you torepparttar right sources by using certain key words. But, userepparttar 120955 ones that relate to your particular field. is my favorite one. They have loads of information from web designing to rating sources. The price isn't bad either. Especially, for those who are on a budget. You can pay as low as $8.95 a month to setup an account. I compared them to another service that I no longer use underrepparttar 120956 name, The only problem: they had plain average designs. None that stood out. We all want pages that will draw people to our sites. And it doesn't matter if you're a writer or not.

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