Change Ideas to Reality

Written by Jennifer Ottolino

How many times have you sat there and thought of a great idea that you became really excited about, only to let it drift away because you did not know how to turn it into a reality? Why does this happen?

Your self-talk may be getting inrepparttar way. You know, that little voice that runs through your head all day long, telling you that you can't do it, that it is impossible, that you’re crazy. Language is very powerful and all of those negative thoughts you repeat to yourself all day long take their toll and may lead you downrepparttar 131274 path of stagnation.

Here isrepparttar 131275 great news. As powerful as those negative thoughts are,repparttar 131276 positive thoughts are just as powerful. The truth is that you can create what you want. To demonstraterepparttar 131277 process, try this exercise and see just how powerful you really are.

1. Think about your idea. This sounds really obvious, but how many times do you get a glimmer of something really great and then just push your thoughts away? Instead, try sticking with it. When you start to see a clear picture in your head, your idea has become real to both your heart and your mind --repparttar 131278 most powerful of all combinations.

2. Focus on what you want by using powerful, positive, specific language. We are taught to express things in terms of what we don't want, not what we do want. For example, we are taught to say, “I don't want to be trapped,” versus “I want freedom.” The statement “I want freedom” is so much more powerful. This simple shift of focus is all it takes to put you onrepparttar 131279 path to abundance. Here is a good way to start making this shift: -Sit down with yourself and think about what you want. Just free flow what ever comes into your mind; just make sure you write it down as a positive statement. -When you have created your list, start to define it. The more specific you make itrepparttar 131280 better. Remember you can't turn an idea into a reality when you can't define it. At this point, don't worry about how you are going to get it. Just start to really conceptualize your idea. -Once you have created your list create one powerful message that sums up all of your requirements and post it somewhere where you can read it every single day. Seeing this statement every day will be inspiring and a very powerful tool to help you focus on what you want. You can read your extensive list every week or so to keep you motivated and focused.

Think Like A Kid

Written by Jennifer Ottolino

I was taking a walk around my neighborhood recently and was befriended by a six-year-old girl. This charming child decided to impart her life wisdom on me. Here arerepparttar lessons I learned:

1. It's natural to feel good about yourself. I told my new friend that she had pretty eyes. She looked up at me and said, "I know". There was no question for her, no debate, and no dismissal. She acceptedrepparttar 131272 comment because, to her, it was natural to feel good about herself. I began to wonder; at what point inrepparttar 131273 development of our children do we teach them not to appreciate their finer qualities. At what point do we teach children to feel badly about themselves? Appreciate yourself every day. Feel good about yourself --, it's natural.

2. Promote your strengths. At one point during our conversation, my new friend looked at me and said, "You know, I can run really fast." She was good at things, and she wanted to make sure that I knew it. I wonder, why do we tell ourselves that it is not good to promote what we're good at? At what point do we change from being proud of our strengths, to hiding our best qualities? Can you rememberrepparttar 131274 last time you gave someone a compliment and they did not just dismissrepparttar 131275 comment? I can't. The next time someone thanks you or acknowledges an accomplishment, say thank you and pat yourself onrepparttar 131276 back. Feel good about your strengths and they will serve you well.

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