Chain of Success

Written by Terri Seymour

Internet marketing is a business with a lot of effective ways of advertising and promoting. There is ezine publishing, ad swapping, free classifieds, email sig file, article writing, search engines and more. Some ways are, of course, more effective than others.

One of my favorites has been said by some not to be effective. The reason for this is that it takes people away from your site. I do not believe this. Although it does direct people away from your site for a time, if you have an effective website with good content, I guarantee these people will come back for more information.

The promotion I am talking about is exchanging links. I consider this to be a very effective way of advertising your website and atrepparttar same time providing your visitors with resources and information. That is one ofrepparttar 121693 purposes of your website, right?

When I see a url in an ezine or email that looks like it might be complimentary to mine, I go check it out. If I likerepparttar 121694 site and find it to be a useful resource and not just a duplicate sales site, then I will emailrepparttar 121695 webmaster for a link exchange. Check to see if they have a link page or resource section that would be appropriate for your link. You can also do a search for websites complimentary to your own. Check each site out thoroughly before you emailrepparttar 121696 webmaster.

The email torepparttar 121697 webmaster would go something like this:


Hello Webmaster, ( I would use their name which you should find on their site)

I have just visited your site and found it very interesting. I would be interested in doing a link exchange with you. I think it would be beneficial to both of us.


Written by Stephen R. Renfrow

Atrepparttar risk of sounding sensational, if you understandrepparttar 121692 concepts introduced in this article it could literally meanrepparttar 121693 difference between miserable failure and insane online profits for your business. I'm not talking about a magical formula that will guarantee success, but it's something that all online marketers need to understand...

If you spend $50 on advertising and it generates more than $50 in net profits, that's a good investment.

Simple right? Well, throughrepparttar 121694 use of proper testing and a "scientific" approach to advertising, there's no reason you can't turn your original $50 ad into millions of dollars in profits. It's just a matter of developing a system that creates a profit, and then reinvesting your initial profits back into your business in order to further expand your advertising.

Assume that through proper tracking of your website traffic you're able to determine that 1 out of every 100 visitors to your site buys "Product X". Let's also assume that onrepparttar 121695 sale of every Product X you make a $50 profit. Do you see that any ad you buy which delivers more than 100 visitors to your site per $50 spent is a profitable investment?

Promoting a site should be approached with this type of a scientific or mathematical attitude. Any advertising you do is either profitable or not, and you need to know which it is so you don't waste time and money.

Here's a somewhat simplistic strategy that you could use to get started:

1. Use a combination of free or low-cost strategies to promote your web site, generating initial traffic which will serve as a starting point.

2. Through proper tracking of your site, determinerepparttar 121696 exact "value" of a visitor in terms of dollars and sense. This is absolutely critical.

3. Utilize paid advertising that proves to be profitable according to step 2, based onrepparttar 121697 value of a visitor andrepparttar 121698 number of visitors generated.

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