Cell Phones and TV

Written by Catherine Kenyeres

What if you want to catch up onrepparttar morning TV news passingrepparttar 105122 time away on your morning train commute intorepparttar 105123 city. Stuck in line somewhere and want to find out how your favorite sports team is doing. Well, an alternative that is coming soon instead of TiVo or videotaping your favorite TV program is watching television programming on your cell phone.

"Cellular carriers are banking onrepparttar 105124 fact that Americans love TV," said Neil Strother, an industry spokesperson with In-Stat/MDR Inc. "By delivering these new video applications, carriers think they will be able to lower customer turnover and develop new revenue streams." In fact, Nokia just recently acknowledged wireless television pilot program in Finland.

Those Mobile Phone Wielding Drivers

Written by Ieuan Dolby

A taxi driver in Singapore recently drove his taxi headfirst into a rather deluxe condominium swimming pool! Atrepparttar subsequent court caserepparttar 105121 driver was fully exonerated from any blame onrepparttar 105122 grounds that it was raining heavily atrepparttar 105123 time ofrepparttar 105124 incident and (would you believe it?) that no barriers were in place aroundrepparttar 105125 pool. If anybody was to ponder over this scenario it would not be hard to conjure up a few chinks and cracks inrepparttar 105126 stories armor. Well, swimming pools do not normally reside directly in front of condominium entrances as those living there tend not to favor passerby’s peering in! Oh, and who would design it such that drunken residents, returning home from a night onrepparttar 105127 town, are faced with an assault course before being allowed to their apartment and to bed? I would also questionrepparttar 105128 lack of lighting aroundrepparttar 105129 driveway,repparttar 105130 speed thatrepparttar 105131 taxi was taking and his knowledge ofrepparttar 105132 area. But going no further;repparttar 105133 driver was so obviously doing what millions of other people are doing right now – he was concentrating away on his cell phone, weaving and ducking around plant pots and over grass verges and was not able to fully apply himself to staying onrepparttar 105134 driveway! A point to back-up this reasoning is that Singaporean taxi-drivers always ringrepparttar 105135 customers upon arrival atrepparttar 105136 pick-up point. So this driver was without doubt struggling to call his future passengers to come down, whilst paying little attention torepparttar 105137 large sign that said “swimming pool ahead”!

Mobile Phone usage by drivers onrepparttar 105138 move has increased world-wide. Many officials, governments, safety bodies, other drivers and pedestrians are becoming seriously worried about this modern phenomenon. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) inrepparttar 105139 USA conducted a survey and came up with some startling and very shocking data! The results showed that 1.2 million people or 8% of drivers inrepparttar 105140 States were using handheld or hands free cell phones during daylight hours in 2004; a 50% increase since 2002 and a 100% rise in four years. Mr. Ray Tyson, a spokesperson for NHTSA shared his views with us: while we don’t have hard evidence that there’s been an increase inrepparttar 105141 number of crashes, we know that talking onrepparttar 105142 phone can degrade driver performance”. Thanks Ray forrepparttar 105143 enlightenment but why did you restrictrepparttar 105144 survey to daylight hours only, do you expect mobile phone wielding drivers to always tellrepparttar 105145 truth and why don’t you have any hard evidence? Ray clearly reduced his statement to casual observation status rather than committing himself orrepparttar 105146 NHTSA by shouting out loudly torepparttar 105147 world thatrepparttar 105148 situation was reaching disastrous proportions ………..etc!

Over in Japan recent statistics shine another bad light onrepparttar 105149 situation. The Japanese Police produced some hard evidence (maybe they should contact RAY) of 1140 car accidents that occurred in Japan during a three month period in 1996! All of these accidents occurred due to drivers being distracted by their mobile phones in one way or another. In factrepparttar 105150 police went a little bit further: 9 people died of these accidents! 45% of these accidents happened while drivers attempted to answer their ringing phones. 28% while drivers tried to combine driving with dialing, 18% whilerepparttar 105151 drivers were talking andrepparttar 105152 remaining 11% due to other causes like scrambling underrepparttar 105153 seat to retrieve a dropped phone having just swerved out ofrepparttar 105154 path of an oncoming camper van on cruise control!

Oh! And heading back torepparttar 105155 Americas some objective Scientific Research from some body in Toronto shows thatrepparttar 105156 risk of being involved in a traffic accident increases fourfold if a mobile phone is used whilst driving! Thanks for that, maybe these scientists were spent some time with Ray!

Zooming acrossrepparttar 105157 Atlantic, overrepparttar 105158 Middle East, China and to Taiwan! A country that manufactures and has its hand inrepparttar 105159 production of many electronic devices currently being used inrepparttar 105160 world today! As a pedestrian crossing any road in Taiwan is similar to putting ones head inrepparttar 105161 mouth of a lion, it is a dangerous event that most achieve by closing ones eyes and with a rapidly beating heart just takingrepparttar 105162 plunge – crossingrepparttar 105163 road that is! Recently this style of heart racing adventure has just gotten a little bit better: drivers manically wielding cell phones have dramatically increasedrepparttar 105164 heart in mouth adventure of trying to get torepparttar 105165 other side! It is still similar to putting ones head into a lion’s mouth, but a lion that has only just finished chomping to death its keeper, that is being prodded by a child with a stick betweenrepparttar 105166 bars and has been forced to listen to a mobile phone users checking out is new ring tones!

There has never been a co-coordinated system of traffic flow in Taiwan; a total lack of respect for traffic lights and pedestrians exist and weaving drivers on betel nut (a chewy nut that causes hyper activity when chewed and drowsiness in-between chomps) just adds torepparttar 105167 general fun! Most pedestrians hug walls and sneak along with eyes working overtime as potentially hazardous drivers are logged and tracked by a well-developed brain radar system brought on by a desire for survival. Only last week a bus zoomed by with a cargo of terrified children peering helplessly and desperately out ofrepparttar 105168 windows;repparttar 105169 driver was happily conversing on his mobile whilst weaving an unstoppable course through various red lights at well overrepparttar 105170 moral speed limit! Another recent incident which in retrospect is quite hilarious was when two moped drivers approached each other across an intersection. Their speeds were not great andrepparttar 105171 whole scenario played out as if in slow motion; each was concentrating on their respective conversations, each was weaving drunkenly forwards in fits and starts and as if pre-ordained they collided head on. A tangled heap resulted but without serious injury or damage. But what is even more hilarious is that both individuals picked themselves up, brushed themselves off and without acknowledging each other or scrambling to shift blame they both reached around forrepparttar 105172 cell phones. And without pause they continued their conversations – why let a mere traffic accident get inrepparttar 105173 way of a call? Who knows, maybe they were talking to each before they crashed and afterwards were busy obtaining each others insurance details – all overrepparttar 105174 phone!

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