Catch More Clients Using Strategic Networking

Written by Charlie Cook

Is networking helping you bring inrepparttar new clients you want? If you are like most independent professionals and small business owners, you put hard work into getting your name out there and distribute your business card wherever you go. You may even attend a weekly or monthly networking group or occasional business conference where people share leads. And like most people, your time and effort isn’t generating a steady stream of new business.

The problem is that most people think that networking consists of telling as many people as possible what they do, and handing out as many business cards as they can. They wasterepparttar 120880 few precious moments they have with new and existing contacts by focusing on themselves.

Its possible to meet someone inrepparttar 120881 airport, hand them your card after a brief conversation, and have them call you to request your services, but this random approach is like playingrepparttar 120882 lottery. You can’t count on it to produce results. It is a Push and Pray technique: you push your information out to others and pray that they respond.

It rarely works. Your contact loses your card or simply forgets about you, orrepparttar 120883 timing wasn’t right, or, in spite ofrepparttar 120884 connection you thought you’d made, a single conversation usually isn’t enough to launch a client relationship.

That initial conversation should be about understanding your prospects’ problems, needs and concerns, and collecting their contact information. The objective of networking is not to expound on your credentials.

Spendrepparttar 120885 time you have with prospects (or people who might know a prospect) asking questions and collecting information. Then you can determine whether they would have any genuine interest in/need forrepparttar 120886 solutions you provide. Use this client problem centered networking strategy to initiate and build profitable relationships.

Pull Information 1. See how many cards you can collect from prospects, and don’t worry about how many of your own business cards you distribute. Some successful marketers don’t even have a business card.

Frugal Marketing

Written by Charlie Cook

You want to market your business but you don’t want to spend a lot of money. You may be just starting out and have precious little capital or you may have a successful business but want to spend as little as possible forrepparttar greatest results. Or, you may just be cheap. How can you create a marketing strategy that results in a steady stream of new clients on a shoestring budget?

The key is havingrepparttar 120879 KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, SYSTEMS and TOOLS to create and implement your marketing plan.

KNOWLEDGE While service professionals and small business owners are experts in their business, they often don’t haverepparttar 120880 marketing knowledge they need to grow their businesses. If you aren’t attracting dozens of new prospects each week and converting at least one of them to client status, you need to learn what to do to market your business.

Depending on your budget, you can: 1. Visit your local library and read a dozen books on marketing. 2. Spend one or two hundred dollars on a couple of marketing manuals fromrepparttar 120881 marketing masters onrepparttar 120882 web. 3. Hire a marketing coach or consultant to help you learn what to do and how to do it. 4. Pay a marketing expert to do your marketing for you.

SKILLS Once you have a marketing plan you’ll need to develop some marketing skills, no matter what your role is in your organization. The three most important skills are:

1. Askingrepparttar 120883 Right Questions Open-ended questions arerepparttar 120884 best way to direct prospects to engage prospects, direct their thinking and learn what they want. Do you know: - What your prospects care about? - The problems your prospects want to solve? - What information your prospects want?

Use questions to getrepparttar 120885 answers. Put together 5-10 questions to ask your prospects.

2. Listening Listen carefully to understand, provide a synthesis of their responses and use a problem-solving approach to providerepparttar 120886 link between symptoms and causes.

3. Writing Compelling Copy The copy in your marketing materials andrepparttar 120887 copy you use for your “elevator speech” will makerepparttar 120888 difference between attracting or boring prospects. Demonstrate to prospects, that you understand their concerns and their business context, and that you arerepparttar 120889 expert they need. Start by regularly giving them an idea they can use.

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