Catalogs Are Selling Machines

Written by Darren Hendricks


If you've got a mailbox, you're no doubt aware ofrepparttar popularity of catalogs. People love to look through catalogs, and more important, they love to buy from catalogs. But mailing catalogs can be expensive. You've got to send a lot of them out, and many of them are going to non-productive destinations-- in other words, most mailings don't just go to sure-fire customers. Onrepparttar 140735 other hand, there are lots of ways to get these powerful sales tools in front of all kinds of motivated, eager customers who want what you've got and are ready to slap some cash in your hand to get it. Catalog Distribution means exactly what it says: getting your catalogs out where they can generate orders. It isn't complicated; in fact, it's incredibly simple.


1.Show them to friends.
2.Show them to neighbors.
3.Leave some with your dry cleaner, doughnut shop, coffee shop, laundromat, and anywhere else you're a "regular." (Offerrepparttar 140736 owner a percentage of all orders)
4.Show one to your local PTA Chairperson (you could end up with a fund-raising campaign!)
5.Take them to work, especially aroundrepparttar 140737 holidays.
6.Ask if you can leave one in your doctor's office. People love to browse while they wait. (Offerrepparttar 140738 receptionist a free gift in return for holdingrepparttar 140739 orders for you).
7.Hand out lots of them on bowling night, or atrepparttar 140740 lodge meeting, or any type of club gathering.
8.If you're familiar withrepparttar 140741 neighborhood and feel safe, take a Sunday afternoon and go door-to-door.
9.While you're watching your child's soccer game, show catalogs torepparttar 140742 other parents.
10.In fact, be sure to showrepparttar 140743 League Director. Again, you may end up with a lucrative fund-raising campaign.
11.If your job requires you to make deliveries to various homes or businesses, be sure to leave a catalog withrepparttar 140744 owner, receptionist, or Receiving Department official at each stop. (Again, you can offer a free gift, or even a percentage of total orders).


Written by Darren Hendricks


Every retail store is a potential user of specialty merchandise or gift items. That's a pretty broad statement, but it's true. And where some Wholesalers might make a mistake is to approach onlyrepparttar obvious choices; gift shops, novelty and collectible outlets, general merchandise dealers andrepparttar 140734 like. But what about a locksmith? Or a bookstore? How about stationary stores? More and more of them are featuring gift displays. So,repparttar 140735 local phone directory is a ready-made list of potential clients. Add to thatrepparttar 140736 retail stores you regularly patronize, and you're ready to go. While nearly every retail store is a potential client, those stores will generally fall into three basic categories: Mom and Pop, Small Chain, and Franchise or Major Chain.

SELLING TO "MOM AND POP" STORES The local stationery shop, liquor store, truck stop, convenience market, gift shop, and all those -her privately owned retail stores that linerepparttar 140737 streets and strip malls of virtually every city and town are prime prospects for your merchandise. Here's why they should buy from you:

1.You offer fast, personal service.
2.Your prices are outstanding.
3.Your product quality is excellent.
4.You offer a tremendous selection.
5.Your product line is constantly updated with new items.
6.You're local.
7.You're dependable, professional, and easy to work with.

Of course, that last reason is up to you, and it's CRITICAL! You've probably heardrepparttar 140738 saying: "People do business with people they like." It's true! These types of stores are usually family-owned and operated, so in all likelihoodrepparttar 140739 folks working inrepparttar 140740 store arerepparttar 140741 ones you'll want to talk to. Start ... with a letter, phone call, or best of all a personal visit. Introduce yourself as a local wholesaler of popular gift merchandise, and ask to speak torepparttar 140742 person who handles purchasing. Make an appointment to show your line. Don't worry if you get turned downrepparttar 140743 first time. Call again. And a third time. Don't stop until you get that appointment! Next ... show up forrepparttar 140744 appointment on time, with samples, business cards, catalogs, price lists, and your order book on hand. Conduct a friendly, brief, yet thorough presentation. Explain how these products can increase THEIR sales - remember; they're interested in what you can do for them, notrepparttar 140745 other way around.

SELLING TO SMALL CHAIN STORES Occasionally you'll run across small chains, where there may be several,even a couple dozen stores operating underrepparttar 140746 same name. Often a single owner, who oversees much ofrepparttar 140747 purchasing for allrepparttar 140748 stores, runs these. Again, you offer allrepparttar 140749 same reasons this person should buy from you, and you'll followrepparttar 140750 same steps in making contact, handling a sales appointment, and fillingrepparttar 140751 order.

Payment: Try forrepparttar 140752 identical terms you'd propose to a "Mom and Pop" store. Again, if possible, don't fill an order without at least a deposit large enough to cover your costs. Otherwise, you'll have to coverrepparttar 140753 difference until they pay yourepparttar 140754 balance.


1.Easy to meetrepparttar 140755 person in charge of buying.
2.Can be a friendly, less formal relationship.
3.Smaller orders.
4.Often immediate payment

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