Cat Behaviour Part-1Written by chetan gupta
Cats are more intellgent as compared to dogs.The anatomy of brain of cat is very similar to human brain, whereas anatomy of brain of a dog is not very similar to human brain.According to website, anatomy of brain of cat is about ninety nine percent similar to human brain. Both cats and human beings have same regions for emotion in their brain. The intelligence of animals depends upon brain weight to body weight ratio and anatomy of their brain. The brain of an adult cat weighs about one percent of its body weight while brain of an adult human being weighs about two percent of its body weight. The brain weight to body weight ratio in cats is greater in cats as compared to Dogs. The cat has an ample and very advanced cerebral hemisphere, typical of intelligent creatures. Cerebellum is well developed in brain of a cat. Cats are used in scientific research. The biochemistry of behaviour, memory and emotions can be explored by stimulating or destroying certain areas in cat brains. Cats can distinguish complex shapes. Cats can distinguish complex geometrical shapes such as triangle, circle and square. Cats can distinguish between shapes of letters of alphabets of language. Cats can also distinguish between colours. Cats are used in scientific studies related to vision because cats have more nerve cells in their brain for vision as compared to human beings and all other mammals. Cats have also been used in sleep studies. There are same types of sleep stages in cats and human beings having similar wave patterns. Cats dream in deep sleep stage like human beings. Kittens begin dreaming at just two weeks age. Cats have light sleep and dark sleep stages like human beings. Cat behaves like children of human beings. Many books on cat behaviour are available at Many books Cat Behaviour, Manual of feline behaviour, The domestic cat biology of its behaviour, The behaviour of domestic cat, Collins cat and kitten behaviour are available at For more information about cats visit website The cats have emotions and feelings like human beings. Cats think and take decisions like human beings. Some pet cats are jealous of other pet animals kept in same house. Every cat has its different personality like human beings. There are some cats whose psyches are characterized as timid, impudent, obedient, stubborn, tranquil, spiteful, courageous and vile. Cats do very well in psychomatric tests. Cats have excellent observation power. Cats exhibit considerable aptitude for learning by observation and experience. Observation power of cats is greater than any other domestic animal. Memory of cats is sharper than any other animal. Like human beings cats have both long term and short term memory. Cats have excellent memories. The knowledge attained by cat by means of observation, trial and error is retained for whole life. According to research work done at University of Michigan and Department of Animal Behaviour at American Museum of Natural History in USA , memory of cats is about two hundred times more than that of dogs. Memory of cats is found to be more than Monkeys and Chimpanzees. For more information about intelligence of cats visit website and animal planet channel website at According to website of animal planet channel at, a cat never forget in its life. Cats retain information obtained by means of observation throughout their life. Cats can easily adapt to a change in circumstances because they remember what they learn and then adapt their experiences to various new situations as they present themselves. Cats learn by observation, imitation, trial and error just like human beings do. Cats have emotions and feelings like human beings. Cats think and take decisions like human beings. Cats try to keep themselves clean. Cat's are nature's cleanest animals. Cats spend about thirty percent of its life in grooming themselves. Cats groom themselves by their saliva. Cats clean their boby about twenty times in a day. Cats are most skillful hunters out of all animals. Cats are excellent swimmers. Cats are social animals like human beings. Like human beings, different cats have different personalities. Cats are most independent out of all domestic animals. A pet cat will respond and answer to speech and seems to enjoy human companionship. Cats communicate by means of their body language, facial expressions, table gestures, head, eyes, ears, tails, scent glands, trample by paws, salivation and different vocal sounds. The body language of cats is expressed with more than sixty gestures. The Language of cats is universal. For example, dilated pupils of eyes of a cat means fear while partially closed eyes means relaxation. An angry cat will have narrow pupils. Trampling by paws means affection and love. Erect ears of a cat pointing forwards means relaxation while ears folded backwards means warning. Cats knead their paws when they are happy. A cat never meow at another cat because cats use this sound for human beings. Slow calm flaps of tail of a cat means satisfaction while quick swings of tail means warning. Tail of a cat held vertical with its tip stiffly held upright means a very happy cat in greeting mood and a cat exposing its stomach means
| | Cat history and Advantages of Keeping CatsWritten by chetan gupta
The Cat was a pet at least eight thousand years ago because bones of cats, mice and humans were found buried together on ancient island of Cyprus. In ancient Egypt, cat was a pet at least five thousand years ago. The cat was considered to be a sacred animal in ancient Egypt. Cats are held sacred in Buddhism. Much appreciated by Buddhists was capacity of cats for meditation which they sensed in cats. The Birman cat descends from cats that were venerated as gods in Buddhist temples. In Burma, Burmese cats are held to be sacred. The Birman cat descends from cats that were venerated as gods in Buddhist temples. The Buddhist priests believed that faithful returned to earth in form of a cat. In Buddhism, it is believed that on death of a person who had reached highest levels of spirituality soul entered body of a cat. It remained there until cat died, when soul entered paradise. Even today, in some Asiatic sanctuaries, divine powers are attributed to cat and it is believed that in hereafter soul of cat speaks to Buddha in favor of its owner that still lives on earth. In Buddhist temples across Asia, cats are kept as mousers. Among most charming of Japanese cats is Maneki-Neko, a small cat believed to ensure happiness and good luck. Japanese Buddhists venerate cats after their death. The temple of Go - To - Ku - Ji in Tokyo is dedicated to cats. Vested priests serve temple and intone chants for feline souls. Crowded into temple are sculptures paintings and relief carvings of cats. In each of these, cat has a paw raised as if in greeting, classical pose of cat Maneki - Neko. Cats continue to be worshiped as deities in countries such as Thailand and China. The power of cats to see in dark was also considered useful to hold evil spirits at way, since it was usually thought that eyes of cat were more active at night, walls of many Asiatic houses were adorned with images of cats. In England, a black cat sitting in a house on a wedding day is thought to bring good luck. In Thailand, a Diamond eyed cat is believed to be a symbol of good luck. In South America, Incas revered sacred cats, representations of which can be seen in pre-Columbian Peruvian artifacts. The earliest representations of domestic cat were Egyptian tomb paintings and sculpture. By 5th century B.C., images of cats appeared on Greek coins, and later they were depicted in Roman mosaics and paintings and on earthenware, coins and shields. Cats have reputation for having nine lives. Cats are very affectionate towards human beings. The Siamese breed of cats are very affectionate towards people. Cats can recognize footsteps of their owner from hundreds of feet away. Cats are easy to care as compared to dogs. Outdoor cats bury their faeces. Cats groom themselves with their saliva. The cats tongue, saliva and paws help in grooming cats themselves. Cats groom themselves about twenty times in a day. Kittens start cleaning or grooming themselves at age of one month. All cats generally do not need bath. Cats are easiest to care out of all domestic animals. Cats are most independent domestic animals. Cats do not need care and attention. Cats are also small in size. Cats also exercise themselves. Cats are most playful out of all domestic animals. Kittens play themselves by batting and tossing small objects, hunting and by jumping in and out of boxes. Cats love to hide in cardboard boxes, drawer or laundry basket. Kittens begin playing with toys at age of four weeks and their enjoyment becomes more elaborate as they grow. Kittens that have free access to a terrace or garden will amuse themselves by running after a butterfly, bug, insect or leaf. Cats enjoy being stroked by their owner. The gestation period of a cat is 63 days. The average litter of cats consists of four kittens. Kittens are born blind, deaf and helpless. The eyes of kitten open at eight to ten days of age, and they begin to be weaned about six weeks after birth. The senses of kitten begin to function ten to twelve days after birth. Soon after birth mother cat licks her kittens, this action cleans them and helps stimulate their circulation. After birth of kittens, mother cat take them to safe places. Scientific studies have shown that stroking a pet cat or kitten and playing with a pet cat or kitten reduce stress and anxiety and lowers blood pressure of its owner. Cats can also learn to live with other domestic pets. The fur of cats is soft and beautiful. Cats are comfort - loving creatures, seemingly addicted to warmth and luxury. Cats also seem to grow fond of their owners, adopting them almost as parents. Cats are available in many coat colours. Cats and kittens use litter boxes or toilet and unlike dogs, cats do not need to be walked. Dogs are not able to use litter box and toilet and dogs need to be walked. Kittens begin using litter box at just five or six weeks age. The litter boxes of cats should be filled with sand, regular clay, clumping clay or wooden pallets. Childrens and adults both enjoy playing with cats. Kittens should be domesticated at age of two to four months. The weight of a newborn kitten is about hundred grams. Many cat magazines are published in USA , UK, and other countries each year. Cats have been portayed in works of many great artists including Leonardo Da Vinci, Albrecht Durer, Paul Gauguin, Theodore Gericault, William Hogarth, Edouard Manet and Pablo Picasso. Most cats like to become friendly with human beings while few of them want to be left alone. Kittens are most playful out of all domestic animals. All kittens play by themselves by finding amusement or satisfaction with odd trinkets or by jumping in and out of boxes, hunting and poking, batting and tossing small objects. Kittens also exercise themselves. Keeping cats as pets can bring cheerfulness and for aged, emotionally disturbed and prison population they bring about amazing transformation. Cats can be lifesaver for their owner. A cat of UK saved his owner's life by signaling that gas cooker had been left on with his paw. A cat named Mourka delivered vital messages from Russian scouts about enemy's gun replacements. According to news