Cash in by cashing out.

Written by Jason Rigler

3 ways you win by not waiting for future payments. A lawsuit winner, an annuity holder, and a lottery or jackpot winner may have one thing in common; they are likely receiving payments spread out over time. Whether they never hadrepparttar option of taking all their money up front, or circumstances induced a long-term payout, there are currently safe and legal options to cash in future payments for a lump sum. Waiting outrepparttar 111979 long-term payout may or may not berepparttar 111980 best choice. There are at least 3 ways to win by not waiting outrepparttar 111981 terms ofrepparttar 111982 payout.

Time value of money Inflation eats away atrepparttar 111983 value ofrepparttar 111984 dollar. A simple example isrepparttar 111985 cost of a movie ticket, just a $1 in 1969 and today you could pay as much as $15. Just imagine what your movie ticket will cost in 10, 20,30 years. Your money today, invested today, could keep pace or even outpace inflation with careful planning and investing.

Emotional value of now vs. waiting Receiving payments regularly over time can be convenient for some and inconvenient for others. Mayberepparttar 111986 money is a reminder of some loss? Perhapsrepparttar 111987 amount is so insignificant that it is frustrating. Even more likely,repparttar 111988 financial experienced right now is taking a destructive emotional toll. Turning future payments intorepparttar 111989 money you need today is a viable option for emotional reasons.

Selecting an Independent/Broker Dealer that’s Right for You

Written by Michael Fisher

For financial consultants, pickingrepparttar right independent broker/dealer for affiliation is one ofrepparttar 111978 most important decisions they can make to benefit their business. Whilerepparttar 111979 right broker/dealer can provide effective support for your business and lead to greater success,repparttar 111980 wrong firm can actually hamper your efforts. Ensuring that your future broker/dealer becomes your partner and isrepparttar 111981 appropriate one for you requires both an internal analysis of your business and thorough marketplace research. The most suitable broker/dealer is one who not only providesrepparttar 111982 levels of service and compensation you require, but does so within a firm culture that meshes well with your personality andrepparttar 111983 mission of your financial business.

To determine which broker/dealer is best for your business, it is recommended that you evaluate broker/dealers based on pre-determined criteria. In order to make a sound decision you will need to take a hard look at specifics. You will want to look overrepparttar 111984 marketing materials, speak to financial consultants ofrepparttar 111985 firm that you are considering, and even visitrepparttar 111986 broker/dealer’s headquarters. If it is feasible, you might consider talking to their clearing firm or even some financial consultants to get a complete perspective. As you evaluate each broker/dealer, you will want to considerrepparttar 111987 following:

Corporate Culture. First, and perhaps foremost, have a discussion with several individuals associated withrepparttar 111988 broker/dealer to determine if they will be a good fit for you and your business. This includes looking atrepparttar 111989 vision and reputation ofrepparttar 111990 broker/dealer’s management,repparttar 111991 experience and background ofrepparttar 111992 support staff andrepparttar 111993 goals and targets of other consultants inrepparttar 111994 firm. Considerrepparttar 111995 size ofrepparttar 111996 firm and their modus operandi to determine whether you will become just another number or a bona fide business partner. Finally, take a look atrepparttar 111997 company as a whole. Is their main objective to support your business, or work for their own success?

Compliance. Arguably,repparttar 111998 most essential service a broker/dealer offers is compliance. In an environment where compliance requirements change frequently, financial consultants require expert assistance to help them stayrepparttar 111999 right course. To ensure that your broker/dealer will offerrepparttar 112000 support you need, ask aboutrepparttar 112001 experience, training and responsiveness ofrepparttar 112002 compliance team.

Clearing firm. Look for a broker/dealer backed by a substantial clearing firm with an excellent reputation for providing solid service. Researchrepparttar 112003 firm to ensure that it is a name that is trusted inrepparttar 112004 industry and hasrepparttar 112005 resources to provide first-class support service.

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