Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

People who do repetitive tasks - housewives, secretaries, meat cutters, assembly line workers, carpenters, musicians, computer users and others - may be more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Fractures, falls onrepparttar hand, and poorly designed vibrating hand tools may also damagerepparttar 144208 palm ofrepparttar 144209 hand and cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Other causes are rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, Paget's bone disease, multiple myeloma, acromegaly and gout.

Your carpal (wrist) bones form a tunnel-like structure -repparttar 144210 carpal tunnel - through which pass nine tendons and one nerve -repparttar 144211 medical nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome (also called occupational neuritis, partial thenar atrophy and median neuritis) occurs whenrepparttar 144212 median nerve is irritated. Carpal tunnel syndrome is so common that it has been calledrepparttar 144213 "occupational disease ofrepparttar 144214 1990s."

The relationship between spinal health and carpal tunnel has been documented by a number of individuals who found spinal nerve root irritation in patients who had carpal tunnel or ulnar neuropathy. Others have found that nerve compression inrepparttar 144215 neck can blockrepparttar 144216 flow of nutrients torepparttar 144217 nerves inrepparttar 144218 wrist, makingrepparttar 144219 wrist more susceptible to injury. This problem is calledrepparttar 144220 "double crush syndrome." Not surprisingly, when 1,000 cases of carpal tunnel syndrome were investigated, it was found that a large number of those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome also had arthritis inrepparttar 144221 neck area.

Work/Repetitive Stress Injuries

Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Millions of people are suffering from all types of job injuries ranging fromrepparttar stress of working in a bad position to improper lifting or carrying to falls and other trauma. Amongrepparttar 144207 most common on-the-job injuries is spinal injury.

That's one ofrepparttar 144208 reasons why 85 percent ofrepparttar 144209 population will experience disabling low back pain at least once during their lives! That's almost all of us. The problem is so bad that at any one time, according to one researcher, 6.8% onrepparttar 144210 U.S. adult population is suffering from an episode of back pain lasting more than two weeks, withrepparttar 144211 estimated cost of lower back problems inrepparttar 144212 U.S. being over $50 billion a year.

Workers' compensation plans reveal that more than twice as many claims are filed for back "sprains and strains" than any other category of injury. Although 30% of all claims are for back problems,repparttar 144213 chronic (long term) nature of these conditions gives rise to 60% of all compensation pain.

The standard medical approach to back pain varies depending onrepparttar 144214 severity ofrepparttar 144215 condition. Usually muscle relaxers, painkillers and rest are prescribed, sometimes in conjunction with traction, diathermy, ultrasound, hot packs, and other procedures.

Surgery may be resorted to if all else fails. The medical approach is at times necessary. Surgery, however, has its attendant problems. Many people who have had back surgery report a recurrence of their symptoms within a year or two ofrepparttar 144216 operation and may return torepparttar 144217 operating table. In some casesrepparttar 144218 surgery makes no difference whatsoever.

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