Caring for Silkworms

Written by Mark Springer

From The Silkworm Shop

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About Silkworms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information, Caring For & Breeding Silkworms

Background Silkworms arerepparttar larva of a moth (Bombyx mori) native to Asia that spins a cocoon of fine, strong, lustrous fiber that isrepparttar 146175 source of commercial silk. The culture of silkworms is called sericulture. The various species of silkworms raised today are distinguished byrepparttar 146176 quality ofrepparttar 146177 silk they produce. Silkworms feed onrepparttar 146178 leaves ofrepparttar 146179 mulberries (genus Morus) and sometimes onrepparttar 146180 Osage orange (Maclura pomifera).

Bombyx Mori will not bite, making an ideal worm for feeding most reptiles, amphibians and other animals, and they offer great nutritional value. Mulberry Leaves Newborn are small enough for most baby reptiles to eat and young silkworms can even be fed so they will grow to a desired size. Silkworms are soft-bodied, slow moving and can grow to 3 inches in length. They are also relatively fast growing, reaching about 3 inches in length and ready to cocoon in as little as 25 - 28 days.

Silkworm and Cocoon Silkworms go through four stages of development, as do most insects: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Click here to see a life cycle chart. The adult (imago) stage isrepparttar 146181 silkworm moth. The larva isrepparttar 146182 silkworm caterpillar. The pupa is whatrepparttar 146183 silkworm changes into after spinning its cocoon before emerging as a moth. Sincerepparttar 146184 silkworm grows so much, it must shed its skin four times while it is growing. These stages-within-a-stage are called instars.

Today,repparttar 146185 silkworm moth lives only in captivity. Silkworms have been domesticated so that they can no longer survive independently in nature, particularly since they have lostrepparttar 146186 ability to fly. All wild populations are extinct. Also contributing to their extinction isrepparttar 146187 extraordinary fact that they only eat mulberry leaves.

Silkworms have been used by researchers to study pheromones or sexual attractant substances. The pheromones are released by female moths andrepparttar 146188 males detectrepparttar 146189 chemicals with olfactory hairs on their antennae. This allowsrepparttar 146190 male to findrepparttar 146191 female for mating. The male antennae are made of many small hairs to increaserepparttar 146192 chances of picking up small amounts ofrepparttar 146193 pheromones over long distances.

How to Grow Your Worms torepparttar 146194 Perfect Size

Silkworm Eggs and Moth The great thing about silkworms is that they only grow as much as you feed them, and they can go for a week or two without food. Say you have a couple hundred small silkworms, but you have a big bull frog or iguana. All you have to do is feedrepparttar 146195 worms as much as they'll eat, keep them warm and dry, and in a few days, you'll have some good sized worms. Have too many silkworms? Not a problem, feed them once or twice a week and they'll stay alive until you need them without growing much larger. Wash hands thoroughly before handlingrepparttar 146196 worms orrepparttar 146197 food or they may develop bacterial problems. Using a cheese grater, grate a small amount of food ontorepparttar 146198 worms and repeat untilrepparttar 146199 worms reachrepparttar 146200 desired size. For best results, maintain temperatures between 78° and 88° F.

About Flightless Fruit Flies and Feeding Them to Your Pet

Written by Mark Springer

From The Silkworm Shop

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About Our Fruit Flies The Silkworm Shop offers flightless fruit flies that are high in protein and an excellent feeder for a huge variety of small and baby animals, including reptiles, birds, spiders, mantis and amphibians. They are very useful and healthy as feeders for aquarium fish, which are particularly attracted byrepparttar fluttering flies. Surface feeding live bearers and bettas eatrepparttar 146174 flies voraciously. Our fruit flies are Wingless Drosophila. They are about 1/8 inch long and are completely harmless. These flies are genetically bred to be flightless, so you don't need to worry about escaped flies buzzing around your head. And, these fruit flies are USDA approved.

Fruit fly cultures are self-contained and require no maintenance. Drosophilia's life cycle is between 12-15 days, and it takes approximately 14 days before a culture will start producing thousands of fruit flies for one month or more (until all feeding medium has been consumed). Your fruitfly culture will arrive at about 14 days old (the initial production stage) and will last for a month or more.

The Silkworm Shop supplies extra-large 32 oz. cultures. Don't confuse these withrepparttar 146175 over-priced tiny vials commonly found elsewhere. Our fruit fly cultures contain twice as much medium, which means you'll get twice as many flies. These quality cultures generate thousands of Fruit Flies.

Culture Care Larvae will continually pupate from eggs laid byrepparttar 146176 adults inrepparttar 146177 culture. It is important to allow your adult flies two days inrepparttar 146178 culture before being fed to your critter. These adult flies will be busy laying more eggs and ensuring that you will have a successful supply of flies. It is also important to feedrepparttar 146179 flies to your animals regularly sorepparttar 146180 flies don't reachrepparttar 146181 natural end of their lives and polluterepparttar 146182 substrate. It is best to keeprepparttar 146183 fruit fly culture at room temperature (around 70° F). The higherrepparttar 146184 temperature,repparttar 146185 higherrepparttar 146186 bacterial growth. But, you may want to raise or lowerrepparttar 146187 temperature to controlrepparttar 146188 lifespan of your culture (see next section).

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