Car Leasing for Beginners

Written by Al Hearn

Car leasing is extremely popular because it provides an attractive method of driving an automobile that you might not otherwise afford. It allows you to make lower monthly payments than with traditional car purchase loans. About one out of every four vehicles driven by automotive consumers inrepparttar United States are leased.

But leasing is not for everyone. You should takerepparttar 142620 time to learn about leasing, and be sure it's right for you before making a decision.

What is Leasing

While a purchase loan is a method of financingrepparttar 142621 ownership of a vehicle, leasing is a method of financingrepparttar 142622 use of a vehicle for a specified time period. As much as it sounds like renting, leasing is different.

A lease is a formal contract with a leasing provider that allows you to driverepparttar 142623 provider's car and only pay forrepparttar 142624 portion ofrepparttar 142625 vehicle's value that you use up duringrepparttar 142626 time you're driving it. You agree to pay for insurance, licenses, taxes, repairs, and maintenance.

The leasing provider retains ownership and title torepparttar 142627 vehicle throughoutrepparttar 142628 lease. At lease-end you can simply return your vehicle torepparttar 142629 provider, or you may purchaserepparttar 142630 vehicle and continue driving it.

Benefits of Leasing

Leasing offersrepparttar 142631 following benefits when compared to purchase loans:

- Lower monthly payments

- More car, more often

- Minimum or no down payment

- Smaller sales tax bite in most states

- No used-car headaches at end

Who Provides Leases

Contrary to popular belief, car dealers do not lease cars. Banks, credit unions, and financial divisions of major car manufacturers lease cars. Dealers simply act as agents of a leasing provider, such as Ford Motor Credit or GMAC, to arrangerepparttar 142632 lease on your behalf. Dealers typically work with more than one provider.

Once you've picked outrepparttar 142633 car you want,repparttar 142634 dealer sells it torepparttar 142635 leasing provider, who leases it you. It's not necessary, nor is it alwaysrepparttar 142636 best choice, to userepparttar 142637 "captive" leasing company chosen for you byrepparttar 142638 dealer.

You can arrange for lease financing yourself with an independent leasing company, bank, or credit union after you've negotiated price with a dealer. Some lease providers even work with dealers to acquire vehicles for you at reduced prices, saving you money andrepparttar 142639 stress of negotiation.

Who Should Lease

Leasing makes sense for many automotive consumers, but not for others. Here's how to determine if you are a good leasing candidate:

- Are you willing to trade ownership of your vehicle for lower monthly payments? Leasing is a great way to lower your payments or drive a better car for your money, but you must be comfortable with having no ownership of your vehicle, unless you purchase at lease-end.

- Can you stick with your lease untilrepparttar 142640 end? Leases require you to commit to driving your vehicle for a specific number of months — typically 24, 36, 48, or 60 months. If you feel your lifestyle, your finances, or simply your taste in cars may change significantly in future months, you may not be a good lease candidate. To end a lease early is usually troublesome and costly.

- Do you drive more than 15,000 miles annually? If your answer is yes, you may not be a good candidate because lease contracts are typically written with an annual mileage limit, typically 10,000-15,000 miles. If you drive more thatrepparttar 142641 specified number of miles you will pay a fee for every mile overrepparttar 142642 limit.

Towing Your New Trailer

Written by W. H. Ingle

You have bought a new trailer and have your first trip all planned out. Are you ready to start out on your trip? Assuming you have done all inspections for your trailer and cargo, then here are a few tips for being onrepparttar road and towing your trailer safely. Remember, there is a big difference between just driving your vehicle and hauling a load behind it. Handling characteristics will be startlingly different. Practicing on roads with little traffic or even in empty parking lots will help to give you a feel for how your vehicle will handle in different situations. And while in a deserted parking lot, it is a good time to practice backing and parking.

To back a trailer, turn your wheel right to back right and turn your wheel left to back left. Oversteering can causerepparttar 142274 trailer to turn sharply, so do gradual movements. If you get in a bind, just pull forward and straighten everything out and try again.

Don't forget to consult your vehicles's owners manual for information onrepparttar 142275 correct driving gear when towing. If your manual is unavailable, callrepparttar 142276 dealer for your make of vehicle. Usuallyrepparttar 142277 service department has allrepparttar 142278 information you need and may have a few tips onrepparttar 142279 do's and don'ts that may be useful to you.

Always drive at moderate speeds when towing. Some states even have laws and regulations for driving a certain speed belowrepparttar 142280 posted limit when towing a trailer. Just be sure to leave plenty of time for your trip and don't get in a hurry. This will also put less strain on your towing vehicle and may help in avoiding breakdowns. Also, driving at moderate speeds can avoid trailer sway .

While driving, it is essential you stay alert for potential problems ahead. Lane changes and braking are best when planned. Heavy braking can cause great problems such as sliding or even jack knifing, not to mentionrepparttar 142281 extreme strain on your trailer, cargo or animals. A good rule of thumb on following distance ofrepparttar 142282 vehicle in front of you is one and a half to two car lengths for every ten miles an hour of speed when towing. If people pull in front of you, drop back. Better safe than sorry. Try to anticipate having to stop for lights or traffic and begin slowing ahead of time. Remember, your braking time and distance are going to increase with a heavy load behind you. Try to avoid sudden steering maneuvers that could put you out of control when towing a load.

Ifrepparttar 142283 road you are traveling is bumpy or even gravel, you will need to travel at much slower speeds to maintain control. Gravel or "rutty" roads can even cause your vehicle and/or trailer to "float" and cause you to face disaster. Road and weather conditions will have an even greater effect on how you drive when towing.

When you make your first turn towing a trailer, you must remember to compensate for a much wider turn. The trailer's wheels will be much further torepparttar 142284 inside of a turn thanrepparttar 142285 towing vehicle's. The trailer will ride up onrepparttar 142286 curb, or into a ditch or, on left turns, even sideswipe vehicles.

There are other problems onrepparttar 142287 highway in dealing with other traffic and wind conditions. Large vehicles can cause wind shifts as they pass you. Just keep your hands onrepparttar 142288 wheel firmly and avoid over compensating. Ifrepparttar 142289 winds start your trailer swaying, do not hitrepparttar 142290 brakes. Instead, userepparttar 142291 trailer brake activator to lightly applyrepparttar 142292 brakes on your trailer. Try shifting into a lower gear and decreasingrepparttar 142293 speed of your vehicle. Just hittingrepparttar 142294 brakes onrepparttar 142295 tow vehicle can makerepparttar 142296 sway worse as centrifugal force pushesrepparttar 142297 trailer forward.

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