Capturing the Vintage Charm through Modern Techniques

Written by Michelle J. Nepomuceno

Images that are dramatically stained with age carry a distinct charm that sometimes leaves us staring at them with utmost awe and inexplicable nostalgia.

Undoubtedly, there is always glamour and romance in a vintage piece of art. That is why, in this day and age, a lot of people (especially contemporary artists) are inspired byrepparttar photographic language ofrepparttar 107414 olden era.

Withrepparttar 107415 many modern techniques and tricks available in this digital age, even an amateur shutterbug or a simple vintage-photo enthusiast like me can create faux antique images that look likerepparttar 107416 real thing.

The remarkable tools ofrepparttar 107417 digital darkroom, or in simpler terms—your home computer, make it possible to create nostalgic images quite easily, especially sincerepparttar 107418 necessary software is available for free onrepparttar 107419 Internet. One example is BWorks from Mediachance, a company that has already produced a whole range of helpful programs for digital image editors.

BWorks transforms digital color images into black and white photos or so-called duotones. In this context,repparttar 107420 Windows program can not only take care of reducingrepparttar 107421 images torepparttar 107422 grayscale, but can also apply numerous effects to make them look as if they were photographed 100 years ago. Yup, just like those antique photos that you adore. Noise, color defects andrepparttar 107423 like are some ofrepparttar 107424 phenomena that giverepparttar 107425 nostalgic effect to a modern image— and they're precisely what BWorks can produce on your pictures. Let me tell you how.

The 21st Century's Definition of Artistic Design

Written by Gem

Throughout time, art has transformed into many ways it could possibly be. Like man, it has gone through different eras, facingrepparttar biggest challenges of life. Artistic Design, inrepparttar 107413 olden age, defiesrepparttar 107414 law of art having limited supply of materials in hand. Capped with a fervent love for art andrepparttar 107415 aptitude to go with it, an archetypal design can turn into a masterpiece.

Like man, an artistic design has its way of leaping over realism andrepparttar 107416 rules of drawing associated in it, making intellectual efforts in understanding reality in pursuit ofrepparttar 107417 modern technology. It is evident thatrepparttar 107418 pace of its transformation is fast and enduring. It accelerates underrepparttar 107419 impact of trains, cars, electricity andrepparttar 107420 like. Thus,repparttar 107421 21st Century’s Definition of Artistic Design was born.

So, what is artistic design in this modern age? Its meaning transcendsrepparttar 107422 elusive metaphors and technical wonders of our time.

Is itrepparttar 107423 advertisement packed with heavy graphics that flaunts at our eyes and catches our attention? Is itrepparttar 107424 uncovered truth that uses programs, which they say, make our lives easier? Is itrepparttar 107425 man behindrepparttar 107426 powerful tool of a computer graphics program? Taking a closer look, one can be easily deceived. Like any replicas, an artistic design is covered with an artist’s technical proficiency in hidingrepparttar 107427 truth, making it less substantial.

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