Canine Distemper

Written by Ron Swerdfiger

Canine Distemper

By Ron Swerdfiger

What is Canine Distemper?

Canine distemper is a highly contagios disease caused by a virus (paramyxovirus) which attacksrepparttar respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervus systems of dogs. Although dogs arerepparttar 125649 most commonly affected, Canine Distemper is also seen in foxes, ferrets, mink and many other carnivores. These infected animals are oftenrepparttar 125650 cause ofrepparttar 125651 spread of this disease to domesticated dogs.

At normal temperaturerepparttar 125652 virus can remain active in infected tissue for several weeks, providedrepparttar 125653 infected source does not dry out, or become exposed to ultraviolet radiation (sun light). At below zero,repparttar 125654 virus can remain active for several months. At temperatures of 32°C or greater,repparttar 125655 Canine Distemper virus will be destroyed very quickly.

How canrepparttar 125656 Virus spread?

Canine Distemper is spread through bodily secretions (nasal fluid for example} The most common form of transmission is airborne. Dogs become infected by breathing in particles secreted by infected hosts. For several weeks after recovery, a dog will still carryrepparttar 125657 virus which can lead to further contamination if not properly quarantined.

What arerepparttar 125658 symptoms?

Upon contractingrepparttar 125659 virus, dogs often appear “normal” for several days. The initial symptoms ofrepparttar 125660 disease are runny nose, water eyes and a sore throat. The dogs temperature will increase to approximately 103.5°F (39.7°C). Overrepparttar 125661 next couple of daysrepparttar 125662 symptoms worsen withrepparttar 125663 tonsils becoming enlarged, andrepparttar 125664 dog developing diarrhea. After approximately four weeks of treatmentrepparttar 125665 virus begins to affectrepparttar 125666 brain. The dog will start twitching which will gradually turn in to larger convulsions The convulsions normally become so frequent and violent, that euthanasia is often carried out at this stage.

Puppy Behavior and Training

Written by Amy Dunphy

Puppy training can be a trying time. The key to this time is to really remember that all puppy behavior is normal. They like to mouth, jump, bark, dig and piddle wherever they are. They aren't doing it to annoy you, they are just doing what they have learned so far. It is our job to train them not to do these things.

Think of it as teaching your child to read. You wouldn't punish your child for not knowingrepparttar alphabet if they have never seen it before right? So we don't need to punish our puppies for things we haven't taught them. Here, we will talk about normal puppy behavior and ways to encourage them to try something new. Remember - Behavior that is followed by somethingrepparttar 125648 dog likes will increase! puppy training should be a lot of fun!

Puppy behavior Jumping: There are two ways to solve this - first, stand on their leash. Second, teach them to sit. By teaching sit we are removingrepparttar 125649 desire to jump.

Mouthing: See this full article on puppy mouthing.

Pulling: This one is easy. Just stop walking! If you never go anywhere whenrepparttar 125650 dog pulls, he will quickly learn. Offer a small treat when he is by your side and talk in a happy voice to encourage him.

The key to training any behavior is to be 100% consistent in your efforts. Often times it will get worse before it gets better but it will go away if you are consistent.

Puppy dog training Try enrolling in a puppy kindergarten near you. This will really help with socialization and early puppy dog training. Find a dog trainer near you.

Housebreaking puppies

Puppies need to go torepparttar 125651 bathroom after they play, chew, drink, eat or sleep. Start by putting them on a leash and tethering them to you. That way you can be aware of them when they start sniffingrepparttar 125652 ground (usually a cuerepparttar 125653 puppy needs to go potty). Pick them up and carry them outside. When they go potty, tell them "good potty" and give a cookie as a reward. Do not let your puppy off leash until they have finished going so they get intorepparttar 125654 habit of going potty, then playing. Many puppies will want to go outside just to play if you let them off leash first.

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