Candid Conservation Between Internet Millionaires

Written by Willie Crawford

I sat around in a hotel room chatting with two other *very* well-known internet marketers recently. We brainstormed and shared observations until three inrepparttar morning :-) I thought you might enjoyrepparttar 121018 simple yet profound insights and wisdom shared by these two multi-millionaires. Look for ways you can directly apply this knowledge to your business activities.

The most profound observation that we all made was that most on-line newbies set their goals too low. This is often because of limitations in what they can convince themselves is possible. You see, until you have seen something done, you often view many things as impossible. After you see many people doing them, your concept of what is possible shifts radically.

Considerrepparttar 121019 person barely able to make their monthly rent payment. To them earning $50,000 a year may seem like a big dream. However,repparttar 121020 person making $50,000 sets his goal on $100,000 although it may appear to be a big challenge to him. It magically seems more possible if that individual know anyone actually earning $100,000 a year. The person earning $100,000 a year, can seerepparttar 121021 possibilities of earning $200,000 a year, andrepparttar 121022 one earning this amount can imagine half a million.

As I sat in that room, chatting with someone who had made and lost many more millions than I could imagine, my personal perspective shifted dramatically. Just being exposed to someone who told me/showed me how it could be done convinced me that it was possible. It convinced me that I could do it... and I set out making it a reality :-)

At other times during this weekend I engaged in other brainstorming sessions on how to build mailing lists in excess of one million, how to get millions of visitors to your site, and how to market high-end products. Nobody inrepparttar 121023 group doubted that these things could be done since we knew people who had done them. So our focus became how do *we* accomplish this.

The amazing thing about those discussion with those two internet marketing millionaires was how it continues to make me notice people doing "the impossible." For example, I now notice websites that get millions of visitors a month. I also notice websites that get millions of visitors a day. And as I observe these amazing feats, I ask how can I duplicate what they are doing. I ask, how can I teach people I mentor to dorepparttar 121024 same thing.

5 Tips To Increase Your Website Traffic - For FREE!

Written by Tony Newton

5 Tips To Increase Your Website Traffic - For FREE! by Tony Newton

(c) Tony Newton - All Right reserved

Ahhh! The age old question, how can I increaserepparttar traffic to my website, without paying for advertising?

Well,repparttar 121017 sad fact is, they simply won't just turn up to your website, without you doing something to get them there!

So, here are 5 free ways to increase your traffic:

1. Search Engines.

This has to be number one but it is getting increasingly difficult to get a good position inrepparttar 121018 top 10 search engines. So, how do you gain a good position? Well first of all, whatever you do, for goodness sake don't use a free submission service that will automatically submit your site torepparttar 121019 top 1000+ search engines. Don't expect to get a good position (if any). Just focus onrepparttar 121020 top ten search engines. Primarily, they look for:

- Link Popularity. This isrepparttar 121021 number of sites that have a link to your site. You can increase this by contacting other related websites and ask them to link to your site.

- Keywords. Your keywords are placed inrepparttar 121022 tags of your web pages. When someone types a word into a search engine, your keywords are whatrepparttar 121023 search engine looks for to see if your site is relevant torepparttar 121024 search. Have a look at your competitors keywords, don't copy them but brainstorm a little and try to think of other words or phrases people might be looking for, that are relevant to your site. A good site to look for popular keywords searches is:

- Keyword Rich Pages. These are pages which provide good content and in which a particular keyword is repeated a number of times. So thatrepparttar 121025 page gets a top ranking for that keyword.

2. Ask For Links. Search one ofrepparttar 121026 top engines for sites which would be a suitable link to your site. Then send a personalized e-mail torepparttar 121027 webmaster of those sites and ask them to link to your site. Some of them, may ask for a reciprocal link, which means you must link to their site and in return they will link to your site. You'll be surprised how many links you can quickly set up. To take this one step further, visit: Here you can find out, how many links a particular site has. So, just enter inrepparttar 121028 URL of one of your competitors and link popularity will give you a list of allrepparttar 121029 sites that link to them. Then visit these sites and request a link. If they link to your competitors, then you'll have a high chance of them linking to you.

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