Can your website be stolen?

Written by George McKee

Many individuals and businesses have a web site but few understand their rights torepparttar ownership of that site, or their responsibility to maintain that ownership. I bring this up because of a call I received last week from an individual whose website was “stolen”. They went onrepparttar 108285 Internetrepparttar 108286 other day to look at their website and something completely different appeared. Someone else was using their name and promoting a completely different product thanrepparttar 108287 original owners had. In this example, no crime was committed. I will explain.

When you create a website, there are three costs involved. The first isrepparttar 108288 purchase of your domain name or URL as it is sometimes referred. This isrepparttar 108289 unique address you type intorepparttar 108290 browser to find your site such as or These can be purchased from hundreds of sites onrepparttar 108291 Internet and are not that expensive. You can purchase these for a minimum of one year and for multiple years if desired. Once purchased, your domain need to be “pointed to”repparttar 108292 physical computer that your website will reside on.

The second cost involved isrepparttar 108293 purchase ofrepparttar 108294 hosting package. This isrepparttar 108295 money you pay to rent a space on one ofrepparttar 108296 thousands of web servers located all overrepparttar 108297 world. There are free hosting packages available but they have their disadvantages and I won’t go into that here. Most people host their site on an ISP (Internet Service Provider) that is in their geographical area although there is no reason not to host on a server half way aroundrepparttar 108298 world, if it is a good, inexpensive, and reliable hosting server.

The third cost is to have your website created and maintained by a website designer of your choosing. Many people like to do this part themselves and there are many programs and books out there to help you create your own website. Many timesrepparttar 108299 customer will have a website designer take care of all three steps for them and just pay one fee. The web designer sends your website from his computer where he/she created it up torepparttar 108300 server and can take care of allrepparttar 108301 details regarding #1 and #2 above.

Re-assignment of pre-registered aero-domains

Written by Hans-Peter Oswald

ICANN accredited Registrar Secura announces today, that Secura as registrar supports all steps, which SITA has made, in order to pre-register industrial codes ofrepparttar aviation community as aero-domains. Eligible companies (airlines and airports) can now registerrepparttar 108284 pre-registered domains at (English) or (German).

SITA,repparttar 108285 sponsor of .aero, has announced changes in domain registration policy. All domain names corresponding to airline and airport codes are active

Followingrepparttar 108286 recommendation ofrepparttar 108287 Dot Aero Council, SITA activated all domain names corresponding to airline and airport industry codes. All two character airline codes, all location codes allocated to municipal areas and airports and all three letter airline codes of IATA airlines have been pre-registered. These new domain names are now "active" and work as web sites untilrepparttar 108288 time,repparttar 108289 eligible airline and airports assume responsibility and control of their domain names.

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