Can You Really Become a Marketing "Genius"?

Written by Marty Foley

Effective marketing is vitally important no matter what business you're in. Consider what marketing expert Jay Abraham said about a vital key to marketing success: "Anyone can become a virtual marketing genius equivalent by doing one simple thing: testing."

In other words, learn how to test test various elements of your marketing to find which of them really work - and which don't - and you can learn how to market effectively.

Notice that Jay did not say that by testing anyone would BECOME a marketing genius. He said "marketing genius EQUIVALENT." In other words, if you're willing to do what most marketers don't do - test, and adjust accordingly -repparttar results can berepparttar 121735 same.

Yes, by testing, you can generaterepparttar 121736 same results as a marketing genius, without having to be one.

Despiterepparttar 121737 dramatic increases in response that can be gained through scientific testing, most marketers and copywriters today still don't take advantage of it. Still others either don't test enough, or don't test properly.

One reason many don't test is that by focusing on "institutional advertising," they don't have to be held accountable forrepparttar 121738 results (or more likely,repparttar 121739 lack of results) of their marketing. Their view of an ad's success is, more often than not, whether it "looks good," "makes people laugh," or "wins advertising awards." Not whether it produces bottom line results.

The 10 Great Myths of Internet Marketing

Written by Linda Cox


Forrepparttar purpose of illustration, let's userepparttar 121734 superhighway analogy. Let's think of your business as a hotdog stand located onrepparttar 121735 superhighway along with millions of other shops, malls, cafes, stores, restaurants and, yes, hotdog stands. _____________

GREAT MYTH 1: Free Sells

So your hotdog stand offers something for free... what?

Napkins? Great. Wow. Excellent. But remember, sellrepparttar 121736 sizzle, notrepparttar 121737 steak! So what excites you most aboutrepparttar 121738 napkins?

Are they printed with horoscopes? Are they recyclable? Extra absorbent? Two ply? Then say so!

But remember that your freebie is kinda lame and everybody kinda knows it and nobody is really forking over actual cash out of gratitude for free napkins.

MORAL: Free is highly over-rated. _____________

GREAT MYTH 2: All Traffic is Good Traffic

It would be more accurate to say that MOST traffic is POTENTIALLY good.

If you have a hotdog stand, virtually anyone can be converted to a customer, whether they came for your ridiculously excellent napkins, clean washrooms, or snappy banter.

But, if you sell '82 LeSabre windshield wiper screws, then you might want to be a little more targeted in your efforts.

MORAL: Focus. Focus. Focus. _____________

GREAT MYTH 3: All Businesses Should Be Onrepparttar 121739 Net

The best advice I've ever given as an internet marketer was "Stay offrepparttar 121740 net."

Nobody listens, of course. They know thatrepparttar 121741 internet isrepparttar 121742 fabled El Dorado whererepparttar 121743 rivers run gold and cash is common as dust-bunnies.

(Mayberepparttar 121744 local bait shop owner just thought I wanted it all for myself.)

MORAL: Leap before you look, quothrepparttar 121745 lemming. _____________

GREAT MYTH 4: Drive Your Hit Counters Insane!

Hit counters don't actually go insane... netrepreneurs do. If you want your hit counter to go insane, tell it about your childhood.

Any traffic generating trick that works will stop working next week when everyone is doing it and no one is falling for it.

MORAL: Tricks are for dogs. _____________

GREAT MYTH 5: The Great Marketing Secret!


In any type of marketing, if it's a secret, it's a failure... definitively.

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