Can It Get Any More Digital?

Written by Nash Ville

Everyone seems to be talking about digital photography because it’s fun, fast and less costly than we might think. It’s almost everywhere – in printed materials, inrepparttar news, and onrepparttar 107482 net. What makes digital photography a hit? One, digital takesrepparttar 107483 fear out of photography because it lets us take as many pictures as we want. Two, we can see right away if we got our desired image and deleterepparttar 107484 pictures we don’t like. Three, we can upload and share those pictures with our loved ones using a computer or a mobile phone anytime, anywhere. Four, digital costs less because we don’t need films and we don’t pay developing fees. Lastly, almost all people such as doctors, scientists, fire fighters, police officers, insurance agents, and real estate agents use digital photography in their work everyday.

In digital photography, Adobe Photoshop allows digital photographers, web and graphic designers to work more efficiently, explore new creative options, and producerepparttar 107485 highest quality images for print, web and other media. Its software delivers a comprehensive toolset that helps users to meet any creative or production challenge. Its creative tools help graphic art professionals generate appealing visual effects and stay ahead ofrepparttar 107486 competition. It is no doubt that it’s very significant to general users, web designers, and even, video editors.

The book, “Enhancing

What's Your Right Photo Shade

Written by Maricon Williams

Sometimes photos would appear a little frustrating especially when there is no transparency to match color. The reason to this is that printing companies have been slow in going withrepparttar flow to accommodate new images. They often stumbles through their conversions to CMYK which causes irreparable damage torepparttar 107481 images.

Inrepparttar 107482 article When Good Color Goes Bad by Mike Davis, it enumerated some tips on how to seizerepparttar 107483 full potential of your digital images. Davis advised to work with digital photographers who can supplyrepparttar 107484 following:

1. FPO images for you to place in your layout plusrepparttar 107485 original raw files. These containrepparttar 107486 virgin pixel captures straight from high-end digital cameras, prior to any conversion to RGB or any subsequent processing/encoding. You will need someone skilled to handle them, though.

2. Properly tagged RGB tiff images -- again, a skilled operator will be needed for best results.

3. CMYK tiffs prepared by a knowledgeable photographer. When feasible, separations should be prepared fromrepparttar 107487 raw camera files, usingrepparttar 107488 commercial printer's own printing profile settings if available, or at very least using Photoshop's "U.S. Prepress Defaults" with appropriate print environment settings (i.e. coated, uncoated, Web, sheetfed, newsprint, ink density, etc.).

Mike Davis,repparttar 107489 author ofrepparttar 107490 said article, isrepparttar 107491 founder of Colorprep. He specializes in making digital camera color separations look their best, serving printers, graphic

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