Can I Afford This?

Written by Terry J. Rigg

It’s time to replace that old car. Your repair bills are starting to add up to more thanrepparttar payment would be. But how do you know for sure if you can afford another vehicle?

People ask themselves this question regularly, and not just about cars. Unless you have control of your finances there is no way to tell. You have to know how much your income is and how much your bills and expenses are to find out if you have enough left over for any purchase.

The only way to accomplish this is to have a budget in place. Your budget has to be as accurate as possible and include money for your long and short term savings. All of these things must be considered before you can determine if you can afford to buy anything.

The best way to start is to determine how much disposable income you have. You do this by only using your take home pay plus any other income you may have after any deductions.

The next step is to put down on paper all of your reoccurring bills such as your house payment or rent, utilities, phone, internet costs, car payments, insurance, etc. These are fairly simple to determine, however, you will have to estimate bills that do not have a constant payment each month like your electric bill.

Now comesrepparttar 110433 hard part. You have to find out how much you spend each month on your household expenses. This includes everything from car gas to groceries. The most common method of doing this is to keep track of everything you spend for 30 to 60 days, however, it seems like most people will not stick to this for that long.

Money Worries?

Written by Terry J. Rigg

If you are worrying about your money problems it's time to STOP IT NOW! Easier said than done, huh.

In my 25 to 30 years working with personal money management problems I have never seen worry help solverepparttar problem. In fact it has justrepparttar 110432 opposite effect.

Worry clouds your judgment. You have certain actions that you need to take to get your problems solved and you will need a clear head to makerepparttar 110433 necessary decisions.

In some casesrepparttar 110434 worry leads to desperation and is used as an excuse not to facerepparttar 110435 problem.

Let me say this in explicit terms "No one dies of starvation or goes to jail because they can't pay their bills in this country". I understand that there have been people starve to death inrepparttar 110436 US but that was more than likely an extreme situation. Also, if there is anyone that goes to jail because of their debts you can bet there was fraud involved.

Even if you don't have any income at all there are places to turn. Worrying is not going to make things happen.

The best thing you can do to get started solving your money problems, after you stop worrying about it, is to access your situation. You have to look at it as if you are an outsider looking in.

Find out exactly whatrepparttar 110437 problem is. This is easier than you think. Here are a few ofrepparttar 110438 most common problems that are causing your worries:

Credit Card Debt Medical Bills Impulse Spending Mortgage Payment or Rent too high Absence of a Budget Unorganized Bills and Files Late Payments & Fees Overdraft Fees Not Prioritizing Spending

If you have your spending set up by category it won't take long to see whererepparttar 110439 problem is. Here is an example:

Recommended Percentage of your take-home pay for Housing, Other Bills and Household Expenses should be around 30% each withrepparttar 110440 remaining 10% going toward your long and short term savings. To find out more about these percentages and how to setup an easy to use budget visit:

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