Can't You See I'm Working?

Written by C. J. Hayden

For many working parents, telecommuting or a home business may seem likerepparttar answer to your prayers. You want to have more time with your kids and greater flexibility, so you takerepparttar 116493 leap, install a second phone line, and set up a computer inrepparttar 116494 dining room. Butrepparttar 116495 first thing you may discover is that working from home includes many unexpected distractions. Children, your spouse, neighbors, andrepparttar 116496 family dog come and go. They make loud noises, ask for your help, or interrupt to ask a “quick question,” always just long enough to break your concentration. Your family and friends don't seem to understand that you're working. They ask you to run errands, expect you to handle chores, and want to chat onrepparttar 116497 phone. When you seerepparttar 116498 pile of laundry or stack of dishes sitting there waiting, you may be tempted to take time out from work to clean up a bit. You’d like to keep your house livable and be available torepparttar 116499 people you care about, but it's just too much for one person to manage. When can you get any work done? The way out of this dilemma is to set clear boundaries on your space, time, and responsibilities. If your office has a door, try having "open-door" time and "closed-door" time. When your door is open,repparttar 116500 kids can come say hello, ask questions, or tell you about their day. Whenrepparttar 116501 door is closed, it means "Do Not Disturb." A good way to explain this to children is to tell them you need some private time, not just that you are busy. If your office doesn't have a door, you need one! Try to find another place in your home where you can create some private space for at least part ofrepparttar 116502 day. Setting regular working hours will help you manage your time better as well as give some guidelines to your family. Build your hours aroundrepparttar 116503 family activities that are important to you. If your kids get home at 2:00, for example, set up your work day from 8:30 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 6:00.

What is the Future of Network Marketing?

Written by Sanjay Johari

Internet marketing has had phenomenal growth and this trend will continue with no signs of abatement in foreseeable future. Individual entrepreneurs and small business organizations will increasingly look for fresh avenues onrepparttar Internet. By all indications network marketing will continue to grow providing fresh opportunities for serious marketers.

Sweeping changes are engulfing us all driving entire humanity with irresistible force. Though we are caught up in middle of storm, we do not fully realizerepparttar 116492 implications. Future historians will perhaps be able to see our times in better perspective. The forces of globalization is breaking downrepparttar 116493 barriers and opening uprepparttar 116494 world market. Market is fast becoming global riding over advances in Internet technology.

The growth of American workforce is maintained at 1.1% since 1990’s and is likely to continue tillrepparttar 116495 end of present decade. Inrepparttar 116496 next decaderepparttar 116497 growth is predicted to fall significantly. But a major change is occurring inrepparttar 116498 demographic composition ofrepparttar 116499 workforce.

Shifting Demographic Pattern: The move is towards more balanced distribution by age, sex and ethnicity. The average age is increasing, asrepparttar 116500 baby-boomer generation is getting older. Rising female participation and declining percentage of male participation is bringing workforce closer to gender balance. Inflow of immigrants is increasing racial and ethnic diversity with Hispanics and Asians beingrepparttar 116501 fastest growing groups.

What does all this have to do with network marketing? Plenty. Major chunk of individual internet marketers come fromrepparttar 116502 workforce. Network marketing is also subjected to continuous evolution. Network marketers all overrepparttar 116503 world are not bound by national boundaries and are in a sense true global players. Firms are increasingly outsourcing their non-core functions. There is greater decentralization of decision-making.

There is a definite shift from permanent lifetime employment to less permanent employment. The increase in self-employment is evident and distances between work centers are becoming irrelevant. More opportunities are being created for work-from-home type of jobs and people are becoming more inclined towards home –based or part time occupation. There is trend towards knowledge-based work in which education and training becomes a continuous process.

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