CRM...And The Real World - Part 2.

Written by Roger J. Burke

Here is my latest article. It may be freely used in ezines, on websites or in e-books, as long asrepparttar Resource Box is left intact.

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"WHAAAAT!" Sherry looked at me in disbelief. "That machine took my card...and that bi...bit...*person* refused to give it back!" Her face was quickly going brick red with mounting rage.

Hmmm, wait a minute, *Sherry's* card?

I said, "I *thought* it was Danny's?" It had his name on it, in fact. "Yes," Sherry said impatiently, "it's his, but it's a *joint* account - Danny *and* me." She pauses. "That...that...person should've given it BACK..." She's really fuming now...I wondered if her Kirlian aura was gonna turn purple, or maybe red. I look at her, "Well, now...I didn't know that, did I now?" Sherry glares at me - but not *at* me - then relaxes to a sheepish smile, "Sorry, dear heart...I thought you knew." I shrug, "No matter...we gotta getrepparttar 106742 card back, OK?" *And*, figure out whyrepparttar 106743 machine ate it too, just quietly...but, one thing at a time!

So, thirty minutes later, we're both atrepparttar 106744 branch, fronting up to *that* Customer Service Desk...ho, ho, HO, ho, ho! The woman who had served me is nowhere in sight, but another clone steps up, vacant smile glowing, 'Colgate' white...

SHE: "And how may we help you today, hmmm?" (The royal 'we', no less, thinks I).

ME: "Ah, look, about half hour ago, one of your machines tookrepparttar 106745's inrepparttar 106746 drawer there", me pointing, "and, I went to get autho..." Sherry elbows me torepparttar 106747 side.

SHERRY: "Listen, and listen good!" She transfixesrepparttar 106748 hapless woman with her fury. "You have a card of MINE, in that drawer...get it out and give it BACK. Now!" She glares magnificently. "It's inrepparttar 106749 name of Danny Burke...and I'mrepparttar 106750 *other* joint owner ofrepparttar 106751 account, his MOTHER." Sherry maderepparttar 106752 last word sound like 'HITMAN'. The woman visibly wilts...truly, she cringes.

SHE: ", but, have a l..letter that author..." Sherry raises her hand, like a cop stopping traffic.

SHERRY: "Stop...go to your fax machine, and there you will findrepparttar 106753 letter waiting for you." She smiles benignly now, soothingly, waving her away. (Just to let *you* know, we went to Sherry's other branch first and got them to draft and faxrepparttar 106754 necessary letter. We *knew* it would be waiting byrepparttar 106755 time we got to *this* branch.)

A few minutes later,repparttar 106756 woman came back and, after satisfying procedure, Sherry gotrepparttar 106757 card back. Twirlingrepparttar 106758 card in her fingers, Sherry looks atrepparttar 106759 woman...

SHERRY (softly, sweetly...but with an edge): "Now, I'm going to put this card in again and if *that* machine gives any trouble, I'll be back to getrepparttar 106760 money from YOU." She made it sound like big Arnie talking torepparttar 106761 cop at that desk, remember...just before he came back with a truck and an M16! "And, I don't want to be hit with any extra fees, if I do...right?" I *almost* began to feel sorry forrepparttar 106762 woman.

Real Estate, Invest and Succeed

Written by Barrett Niehus

Real Estate, Invest and Succeed

By Barrett Niehus

Many people are reluctant to invest in real estate because they don't completely understandrepparttar nuances surroundingrepparttar 106740 investment. However, once they understandrepparttar 106741 fundamentals, real estate can provide a significant return with relatively low risk. Investing in real estate is merely a matter of understanding how income streams coverrepparttar 106742 costs of maintainingrepparttar 106743 asset, and making sure thatrepparttar 106744 income also providesrepparttar 106745 desired return onrepparttar 106746 investment.

In its simplest form, a real estate investment consists of purchasing a piece of property through a mortgage, rentingrepparttar 106747 property at a monthly rate, and usingrepparttar 106748 rent to coverrepparttar 106749 cost ofrepparttar 106750 mortgage and any expenses. The amount left afterrepparttar 106751 mortgage and expenses are paid is your net monthly income. It's that simple.

To determine if a property

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