Written by Robert J Farey

There are hundreds of books available to teach you how to write a good sales letter/advert. If you were to read them all it would be possible to distil all ofrepparttar recommendations into a 'What to do list' similar torepparttar 108734 one below. This list is not exhaustive. No two people would set it out in exactlyrepparttar 108735 same way. It would be quite possible to extendrepparttar 108736 list a great deal further. This is my version. It works for me. It could work for you.


The headline must grabrepparttar 108737 readers attention. Make a promise or offer a benefit. Expandrepparttar 108738 headline inrepparttar 108739 lead paragraph. Don't waffle. You must holdrepparttar 108740 readers interest. Make sure that any information that you give is useful. Make sure your product is of interest to this particular audience. Stress all ofrepparttar 108741 benefits, As many as possible. Curiosity creates interest.

The Affiliate Interview - Do you have what it takes?

Written by Marc Howlett

Copyright © 2004 Marc Howlett

So you have decided to start up your own home business and after hours of searching you have decided onrepparttar program you are going to join.

Now stop and take check before you rush in.

Yes there are thousands of people running their own home business and yes they are making money from them.

What you need to stop and consider is that you will be running you own business and what does any business need to make money? You may come up with several answers but let me tell you from experiencerepparttar 108733 key resource to any successful business is its employees.

You can haverepparttar 108734 best product or service inrepparttar 108735 world but if your employees are not up to scratch then you will not have a successful business.

Now a quick search ofrepparttar 108736 net will bring up thousands of affiliate opportunities and companies willing to offer yourepparttar 108737 job of promoting their service or product and they require little more than you email and user name to get started. They do not really have a lot to loose by employing you to advertise their service as they only pay you for result so no sign ups then no payments,repparttar 108738 only real sack able offence in their eyes is spamming

However you do have plenty to loose so consider yourself to be your first employee of your business.

What I am asking is would you employ you? Do you have what it takes as an employee to make your business successful?

Now would be a good time to sit down and think ofrepparttar 108739 questions that you would ask an interviewee before you were to offer them a job.

Here are 5 simple questions I asked myself before I committed to starting my own online business.

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